
发布 2021-02-20 02:01:28 阅读 4973



the temptation of pyramid selling传销的**。

many years ago, a popular word comes to people’sears,itisthenewillegalindustry, selling group which worked on the illegal selling,once people joined in the group, there was no way 很多年以前,一个流行的词进入人们的耳朵,那就是新的不合法的产业,叫做“传销”。****了这个产业,那是一个销售团体,从事不合法的销售,一旦人们加入,就无法脱离队伍。正是人们的贪念才会让他们无法拒绝传销的**。

pyramidsellingismadeupofagroup,theyimplantpeople the idea that they can be rich by selling theproducts. it sounds ridiculous, but the group finds away to persuade people to believe it, they know peoplecan’tresistthegreattemptationfrommoney,sotheyalways succeed in cheating people.


once people get into the group, they can’t fleefrom the group. some realize the fact, they can’t getrid of the group without the help with policeman, theother who are willing to work in the group h**e beenwashedbrain,theyabandontheirfamiliesandnevergohome.


pyramidsellingisverydangerous,peoplemustnotgreedy, the fortune is gained by hard working.


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