每日一句 2019考研英语第十八句

发布 2021-02-08 15:28:28 阅读 4544

houston is an oil town. it is not pretty,but it thrives.


with reduced demand, many small manufacturers and suppliersare sure to go bust, says patrick jankowski, an economist with the greater houston partnership, a local lobby. but the real question is whether a more general slump follows. if high-paying corporate posts go, the effect on therest of the houston economy could be dramatic.

yet there are signs that, this time,houston’s spectacular growth will be slowed rather than stopped by the oil slump.

词汇突破:衰退,破产;反义词 boom (描述宏观经济的时候常这样说:boom and bust 兴衰)


衰退;oil slump 油价**。

辉煌的。严重的同义词:drastic / dreadful ; dreadfulheadline 负面报道。


with reduced demand, many small manufacturers and suppliersare sure to go bust, says patrick jankowski, an economist with the greaterhouston partnership, a local lobby.

主干:many small manufacturers andsuppliers are sure to go bust.

其他成分:, says patrick jankowski, 主谓做插入语。

with reduceddemand, 状语。

an economistwith the greater houston partnership,alocal lobby同位语。

参考译文:patrick jankowski是当地一家游说团体the greater houston partnership的经济学家,他说随着需求的减少,很多小的制造商和**商一定会破产。

第二句:but the real question is whether a moregeneral slump follows.


第三句:if high-paying corporate posts go, theeffect on the rest of the houston economy could be dramatic.


第四句:yet there are signs that, this time, houston’s spectacular growthwill be slowed rather than stopped by the oil slump.




sprawl may not be pretty—but it seems to work.



每日一句 2019考研英语第六句

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