
发布 2021-02-08 09:08:28 阅读 7662

针灸:acupuncture and moxibustion。经络:

meridian/channel and collateral。表:exterior,里:

interior。归经:meridians tropism

淡红舌:light red tongue,淡白舌:pale tongue。

薄苔:thin coating。厚苔:

thick coating,润:moist,燥dry,腻:greasy。


flourishing,withered,tough,tender., formula,prescription

配伍关系:compatibility/combination relationship。

方剂的加减:modification of prescription .药~medicinal


手足厥冷:reversal cold of hand and feet,哮:wheezing 哮喘:


dysentery。自汗:spontaneous sweating,尿频:

frequent urination,带下:leukorrhea。便溏:

loose stool。便秘:constipation,面色:



得神:presence of vitality,呃逆:hiccup,太息:



胁痛:hypochondriac pain,咯血:hemoptysis,胸痛:

chest pain,眩晕:vertigo/dizziness,心悸:palpitation,腹痛:

abdominal pain。游走性关节疼痛:migratory arthralgia pain。


amenorrhoea 神昏:unconsciousness,不欲食:anorexia.

纳差poor appetite,腹胀abdominal distension,失眠:insomnia,疲乏lassitude,消瘦emaciation ,营养不良malnutrition,中风:apoplexy。


vexation., mechanism of disease.

六淫:six excesses:wind,cold,summerheat,dampness,dryness,fire。

内生五邪:five pathogens.外感六淫:

six exogenous pathogenic factors,邪正相争:struggle between healthy qi and pathogenic qi。瘀血:

static blood。邪正关系:the relationship of pathogenic qi and healthy qi.

感受寒邪:attacked by pathogenic cold.热极生风:

extreme heat producing wind。风寒感冒:common cold due tp wind-cold。

恶寒:**ersion to cold.

风为百病之长:wind being the leading pathogenic factor of various diseases

湿盛:excessive dampness.痰饮水湿:phlegm-fluid retention.

七情内伤:internal impairment due to seven emotions.

恐则气下:fear causing qi sinking,惊则气乱:fright causing disorder of qi。饮食不节:improper diet。

精血同源:essence and blood from same source。

阳盛格阴:exuberant yang repelling yin。亡阳:yang exhaustion。

真热假寒:true heat with false cold。阳损及阴:

yang impairment affecting yin。骨蒸潮热:steaming bone fever and tidal fever。

气为血帅:qi being commander of blood,血为气母:blood being mother of qi,益气固脱:

replenishing qi and consolidating collapse.气滞:qi stagnation,血瘀:

blood stasis.津液:body fluids。

湿浊:dampness turbidity.


decoction。剂型剂量:drug form and dosage。


middle qi collapse.

]**原则:therapeutic principles

滋阴降火:nourishing yin and reduce yang,瘀血致病:diseases caused by blood stagnation.

汗吐下:diaphoresis,vomiting,purgation .实践经验practical experience 临床疗效clinical effort.

发汗解表:inducing sweating to releasing exterior,升阳:elevating yang.

潜阳:subduing yang,涌吐:emetic therapy,收敛固涩:

astringing and checking,燥湿清热:dry dampness and clear heat,活血:invigorates the blood。

sweet:tonifying,harmonizing,moderating止泻:stop diarrhea,平喘:

sooth asthma,通便:move stool,降气:conduct qi.

利尿通便:promote urination and defecation,安神:calm the mind,表里:

exterior and interior,虚实:deficiency and excess,辨证论治:treatment based on syndrome differetiation。

四诊:four examinations:望闻问切:

inspection,listening and smelling,inquiry,pulse taking/palpation.异病同治:treat the different diseases with same therapy.

,四气五味:four properties(warm,heat,cool,cold) and five fl**ors(sour,bitter,sweet,acrid,pungent-spicy,salty).

炮制:processing of herbs,升降沉浮:ascending,descending,sinking,floating。

辛温药:herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature,辛凉药:herbs pungent in taste and cold in natuer.

辛温解表药:pungent and warm herbs with the function of the releasing exterior.酸苦涌泄为阴:

sour and bitter with emetic and purgative effects pertaining to yin,辛甘发散为阳:pungent and sweet with dispersing effects pertaining to yang.淡味渗泄为阳:

bland taste with dampness-excreting and diuretic effects pertaining to yang., 浮脉:floating pulse,沉脉:





irregular intermittent~,代脉:regular intermittent~。,藏象:

visceral manifestations.

]合小肠:heart and small intestine in pair。心主血脉:

heart governing blood and vessel,神:spirit/vitality/mental activity。

心为君主之官:the heart is the monarch organ.胸:


open into the tongue,manifesting on the face,associating with joy in emotions and sweat in secretion.

heart qi is vigorous/abundance of the heart qi,blood circulate normally,smoothly in the vessels. heart is the residence of the spirit.

]:dominate the qi and control respiration,govern ascent,dispersion,purification,descent as well as regulate water passage(通调水道).relate to sorrow in emotions and the skin and hair in the exterior.

宣发肃降:ascent,dispersion,purification and descent. 肝气上逆:

upward adverse flow of liver qi.通调水道:dredging and reglation water passage.

肺合皮毛:lung being related to skin and body hair。


针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion。经络 meridian channel and collateral。表 exterior,里 interior。归经 meridians tropism 淡红舌 light red tongue,淡白舌 pale tongue。薄苔 t...


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