
发布 2021-02-06 07:05:28 阅读 8088

第1辑:1. no such thing.

没这回事。 2. it's not gonna work.

这是行不通滴。 3. you'd better shape up.

你得表现好点。 4. that's handy.

那倒是挺方便/挺顺手的。 5. i finally ran out of patience and lost my temper.


第2辑: running late.她快迟到了。

could you break your promise?你怎么不守信用? 't mind me.

你用不着管我。 4. i h**e my own thoughts about that.

这件事我有自己的想法。 5. we are done here.

我们再无瓜葛了。 is a nose of wax.她没有主见。

第3辑:1. look on the bright side.

往好的方面想。 2. this is too good to be true.

这简直难以置信。(too good to be true 某事某消息太好了,好到有点让人觉得不真实或者难以置信) 3. she's spoken for.

她名花有主了。 4. is this seat spoken for?


第4辑:1. give him a big hand.

送给他热烈的鼓掌。 2. wendy should be off limits to you.

你不能染指wendy(即不能追她)。3. he's gay.

他是同志(不是he's a gay)。 4. it's all over now.

现在一切都结束/完成了 5. does it work for you? 这样你能接受吗?


第6辑:1. i'm really into music.

我真的很喜欢**。2. i hate his guts.

我太讨厌他了。3. she's my kinda girl.

她是我喜欢的那种类型。4. i nailed it.

我成功了。5. i blew it.

我搞砸了。6. can i take a rain check?


第7辑:1. it's not my cup of tea.

我对这个不感冒。2. i messed up the whole thing.

我把一切都搞砸了。3. i think i'll pass.

我想我还是不用了。4. i swear to god.

我对天发誓。5. i'll make it up to you.

我会补偿你的。6. thanks for the heads up.


第9辑:1. we'll see.

我们走着瞧。2. sleep on it.

再好好考虑一下吧。3. he calls the shots.

由他做主。4. you got it all wrong.

你完全误会了。 5. you're the boss.

你说了算。 6. don't get me wrong.

别误会我喽。 7. don't be like that.


第10辑:1. she's dressed to kill.

她穿得真是迷死人。2. i think i made a boo boo.

我觉得我犯了个低级错误。3. that was close.

好险/差点出事了。4. what's the big deal?

有神马大不了的?5. enough is enough!

够了! 6. pull/get yourself together.


第11辑:1. get outta here!

离开这里(字面意思)/ 滚开 / 这不可能(表示他人的话很荒唐或不敢相信);2. you are so cheap. 你丫真小气。

3. i don't buy it. 我才不信呢。

4. not again! 别又来了!

别又是这样!5. just in case.

以防万一。6. i'm begging you.


第12辑:1. i'm in.

算我一份/我加入。 2. get out of my sight.

立刻从我眼前消失! 3. snap out of it(类似get yourself together) 振作起来!

4. you hear me? 懂了吗?

5. i can't take it anymore. 我忍无可忍了。

6. what took you so long? 干嘛去了怎么这么久?

第13辑:1. not bad.

不错/还可以。2. how did it go?

进展如何/怎么样了? 3. back off 滚开/让开。

4. lucky you. 你真走运啊。

5. don't boss me around. 别对我指手画脚的。

6. i got your back. 我挺你!

我支持你。7. she's seeing someone.


第14辑:1. help me out.

帮帮忙。2. take your time.

别急,慢慢来。3. you got a minute?

你有空吗(有事要找你)? 4. go get a room.

干脆去开个房去吧。 5. no wonder!

难怪! 6. i'm all yours.

我全听你的/我任凭你处置。 7. let's split from here.


第15辑:1. she stood me up!

她放我鸽子! 2. any time.

随时为你效劳(回复他人感谢时);3. what a shame. 真遗憾/真丢人。

4. it's now or never. 机不可失失不再来呀。

5. that depends. 看情况了。

6. don't take this the wrong way. 别误会我的意思。

第16辑:1. are you with me?

你在听我说话吗/你跟得上我的话吗(用于对话或讲课时)? 2. i lost my tongue.

我一句话也说不出来。3. i'm broke.

我破产了。 4. hang in there.

再坚持一下/坚持住。 5. don't cut class.

别翘课。 6. let's go dutch.


第17辑:1. i got ripped off.

我被宰了。2. time's up.

时间到喽。3. what do you say?

你怎么看? 4. pull/get yourself together=pull/get your **** together.

振作起来。5. it's up to you.

这要看你了/你来决定。6. go for it!

加油吧/去争取吧! 7. grow up.


第18辑:1. poor thing.

真可怜。 2. same difference.

(相当于it's the same thing)还不都一样/半斤八两。3. buzz him in.

让他进来。4. hear me out.

听我说完。5. could you spot me some cash?

能借点儿钱花花吗? 6. let's call it a day.


第19辑:1. i'm sick of it.

我烦透了。 2. i'm flattered.

过奖了。3. same here=me too.

我也一样。 4. le**e me alone.

让我一个人静一静/离我远点/别来烦我(具体意思根据语境而定)。 5. tell me about it!

就是这样滴(用来表示很赞同对方的话)。 6. after you.


第20辑:1. what a bummer 真倒霉/太令人丧气了; 2.

whatever. 随便你。 3.

give it time. 耐心点/再想想吧。 4.

not even close. 边儿都没沾上。 5.

what are you up to? 在忙什么呢?/ 你有神马事?

6. no offence. 别见怪/没有冒犯你的意思。

7. take it easy. 别紧张/淡定。

第21辑:1. let's keep in touch.

我们保持联系。 2. you'll pay for it.

你会遭报应的。3. be my guest.

请便。 4. don't bother.

不必了/不用费心了。 5. chill out.

冷静/淡定。 6. don't flatter yourself.

别自作多情了/少臭美了。 7. gotcha=got you.


第22辑:1. i owe you one.

我欠你一个人情。 2. i'm on my way.

我正在途中。 3. how could you?!

你怎么可以这样?!(how could you do this to me. 你怎么可以这样对我?!

)4. butt out. 别搀和。

5. whatever you say. 我全听你的。

6. watch and learn. 瞧好了,学着点儿。

第23辑:1. be a man.

像个男子汉一样(拿出勇气来)。2. just in case.

以防万一。 3. bottoms up.

干杯! 4. here's the thing.

是这样的(用以引出正题)。5. i can live with that.

那个我可以接受/承受。 6. he jumped the gun.

他太性急了。 7. that's so gross.


第24辑:1. i can tell.

我能看出来。 2. let's make a toast.

我们干杯吧。 3. fancy meeting you here.

真没想到在这儿碰到你。 4. i can't help it.

我克制不住/情不自禁。 5. i'm gonna stay up late tonight.

我今晚要熬夜了。 6. that's easy for you to say.



it s a deal.一言为定。i am behind you.i would like support you.我支持你don t take your heart别往心里去you really look sharp你真漂亮you never know很难预料 很难说。what bring you...


hang in there.坚持一下吧。it s good to be here.我很荣幸来到这里。my pleasure to be here.很高兴到这里来。it was a pleasure.我也很愉快。with pleasure.愿意。帮忙前 my pleasure.不客气。帮忙后 i m ...


how do i address you?我怎么称呼你。just to be on the safe side.为了安全起见。sorry to bother you抱歉打扰你。i m very really terribly awfully extremely sorry.十分抱歉。h e a ni...