
发布 2021-02-06 07:10:28 阅读 9700


1. internet is number one 国际互联网真是顶呱呱!

2. we finally made it 我们终于做到了!

3. well done ,bond , you've done it 好极了!邦德,干得好!

4. yay, a hole in one 嘿!一杆进洞!(一击必杀?)

5. oh well,better lucy next time 算了,下次的运气会更好。

6. steady wins "the" race 从容就是赢得比赛的诀窍。

7. chase the nice bone, doggie 狗兄,去追那可口的骨头啊。(俚语,不用解释了吧?)

8. hey, are you a boy? 喂,你是男孩吗?

9. come on ,honey 过来,亲爱的。

10. he swept her off her feet (俗语)他对她可着迷了。

11. beautiful 漂亮!(和美丽可没关系呦。)

12. hi"hey",guy, we're rich 嘿,伙计,我们发财了!

13. what skill!what luck! what fun! 多有本事!多么走运!多令人兴奋!

14. you sucker 江湖郎中!

15. you want me to shut him up, guy? 哥们,要不要我把它办掉?

16. best wishes to you both! 祝你们俩无比幸福!

17. hurray ! 万岁!

18. i always get my mans 我是不会让他从我的眼皮底下溜走的。(意译)

19. how did you do it ? 你是怎样达成它的?

20. congratulation 恭喜!

21. bottoms up 干杯!

22. we did it 干的好!

23. thanks guys,you won the games for us 谢谢大家,能赢得比赛,委实是托大家的福。

24. i own it all to you 全是托您的福。

25. go job 做得很棒!

26. envy 羡慕。

27. it is your fault 全让你给搞砸了。

28. no,man, you are the one who blew it 不,老兄,你才是败事的一个。

29. what is going on here?(what's goes on here) 什么事?(不情愿的语气)

30. what are you doing talking to my girl friend ? 你小子跟我的女人搭讪,居心何在呀?

31. uh-oh,here comes my boy friend ,he is insanely jealous 噢,我男朋友过来啦,他可是个大醋坛子呦。

32. out ,rat 滚出去,老鼠!

33. hey,you break it up 喂,住手啦!

34. how,a fight! 哗,打架啦!

35. ouch, that hurts 好痛呦!会受伤哩!

36. billy, get off the doggie's tail 比利,得扰人处且饶人,放他一马吧。

37. paint the porch, fool, or else 傻瓜,快去漱漱口,不然哪(把你的牙全拔了)。

38. cut it out ,my name is fred,not fool 你给我住嘴,我的名字是fred,不是傻瓜!

39. love make the world go round 爱能感动世界。

40. here, h**e some coffee on me. 来,我请你喝咖啡。

41. i'll h**e some on you all right. 好吧,我要挂你的帐喝它个痛快。(多没人性呀!)

42. our leader is more devious than your leader. 我们头儿比你们的要棋高一筹。

43. our leader invented the word? “胡说八道”这个词是咱们领导创造的吧?

44. the pen is mightier than the sword. 笔利于剑。

45. cad! cur! beast! 无赖!流氓!杂种!(可不要到处对人乱讲哟)

46. omph! 唔!

47. ahh! 啊哈!

48. gee, don't be mad, dear, red looks good on you. 喏,亲爱的,别生气呀。红颜色对于你再合适不过了。

49. look what you did, squirt! 小子,你仔细看看你做的好事!

50. cool it man,i'm sorry. 对不起,请您息怒。

51. auck, don't hit me! i'm an innocent bystander. 啊呦,别整我,我只是个旁观者。

52. snort! i didn't do anything wrong! 哼哼,我没做错什么事啊。

53. out! 滚出去!

54. i'm sorry, sir. i didn't mean it. 对不起,老兄,我并没有恶意。

55. fool, you added this bill up wrong! 笨蛋,你把账单加多了!

56. so i made a mistake, big deal! 我真是错得离谱了。

57. broke again. 又破产了。

58. that was my last one, too. 那可是我最后额财产了。

59. sigh. he doesn't even know i'm alive. 啊啊,他一直都不知道我还活着。

60. the only feasting i do these days is in my dream. 这几天我只能在梦中享受山珍海味了。

61. i lost two teeth, my contract, and the game. (意译)福无双降,祸不单行;黄鼠狼单咬病鸭子。

62. sob, i lost. 呜呜,我又输了。

63. he tricked me. i hate him. 他耍弄了我,好恨他。

64. johnny doesn't like me. 乔妮不喜欢我。

65. i blew it. 我们吹了。

66. i'm all washed up. 我都完事了(筋疲力尽了)。

67. joe was really a rat. 乔(生前)是个十足的大**。(咒骂)

68. shh! he'll hear you. 咻,小声点,他会听到的。

69. good-bye, cruel world. 永别了,残酷的世界啊。

70. i wish you wouldn't go this way. 我希望你不必落得这样的下场。

71. sigh, i'm so hungry. can i h**e a bite? 噢,我肚子饿了。我可以吃一口吗?

72. no! yum, gorge, glut. 不行,嚼嚼!你这讨厌鬼。

73. i'll drown my sorrows. 我要消愁解闷。

74. sob! i didn't mean to kill it. i'm sorry birdie. 呜呜,我无意要杀死你。对不起,小鸟。

75. ooo! i can't look. 唔,我不忍心在看下去了。

76. goodness, i do hope this isn't a loud gun. i hate noise.


77. will it hurt? 不知道会不会受伤?

78. i'll rip him apart with my hands. 我要亲手把他撕成碎片。(好恐怖)


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