
发布 2021-02-06 07:01:28 阅读 6715

hang in there. 坚持一下吧。

it’s good to be here. 我很荣幸来到这里。

my pleasure to be here. 很高兴到这里来。

it was a pleasure. 我也很愉快。

with pleasure. 愿意。(帮忙前)

my pleasure. 不客气。(帮忙后)

i’m really exhausted. 我真的特别累。

we can call it a day. 我们可以收工了。

i’m kind of poor. 我有点穷。

you h**e a good sense of humor. 你真幽默。

your chinese is really surprising. 你的中文令人惊讶。

you’re very professional. 你非常专业。

you’re really talented. 你很有天赋/你真有才。

you h**e a good taste. 你很有品位。

you look like a million dollars. =you look like a movie star. 你看上去帅呆了。

you look like a model from the magazine. 你看起来像时尚杂志中模特。

keep a low profile. 保持低调。

keep it up and good luck. 继续加油干,祝你们好运。

good news! 好消息!

that’s terrific/fantastic. 太棒了。

how are you getting along with him? 你跟他相处的如何?

it is all set. 一切安排妥当。

that’s amazing. 真令人惊讶。

what h**e you been up to lately? 你最近忙什么去了?

i can assure you. 我可以向你保证。

i’ve some big news. 我有一条重大新闻。

this expense is killing me. 别再调我胃口了。

the last time i saw you, you were looking for a new job. 我上一次见你时,你正在找新工作。

that’s not exactly true. 不完全正确。

i’m dying to hear your news. 我特别想听你的消息。

that was then, and this is now. 此一时彼一时。

that is all news to me. 我从来都没有听说过。

i can’t help it. 我控制不住自己。

i’m glad to hear you feel that way. 我很高兴你能这么想。

traffic is bad. 交通拥挤。

i began to feel get ease. 我感到很轻松。

he slept like a dog. 他睡得很沉。

a good eater and sleeper

he is very capable. 他非常有能力。

the lady in white is very charming. 穿白色衣服的女人非常迷人。

that’s not to my taste. 不是我的口味。

he felt very weak. 他感觉身体非常虚弱。

regular visitor 常客。

beyond my means 超出我的支付能力。

he beamed with happiness. 他快乐地微笑着。

i dare say. 我敢说。

i daresay...我猜想。

what a terrible scene. 多么可怕的场面啊。

be yourself. 做你自己。

why don’t you compromise? 你们为什么不互相让一步呢?

how does nancy like the new dress? nancy喜欢她买的新裙子么?

why did you change your mind? 那您为什么改变了主意?

how lucky! 好幸运!

what excites you about drama? 是什么让你对戏剧感兴趣呢?

here’s hoping. 但愿如此。

i’m sure you’ll be successful. 我肯定您会成功的。

i get bad stage fright every time i’m going to deliver a speech. 每一次演讲我都会很怯场。

this is what i mean to do. 这正是我打算做的。

wow, that’s cool! 哇,真酷!

how was this possible? 这怎么可能?

i h**e never made his acquaintance. 我与他素昧平生。

do it yourself. 自己做。

they showed us every courtesy. 他们对我们彬彬有礼。

the amount of money one makes is not the only gauge of one’s success. 挣钱多少不是衡量一个人成功的唯一标准。

short pleasure, long lament. 痛快一时,痛苦一世。

i’m not totally convinced. 我不完全相信。

you are on the net again. 你又在上网。

just a minute, dear.

how do you like it? 你觉得它怎么样?

east, west, home’s best. 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。

that sounds serious! 听起来挺严重的。

welcome back! 欢迎回来。

what a pity. 太遗憾了。

that’s very kind of you. 你真好。

what’s your line of business? 你干哪一行?

i’ll think about it. 我会考虑。

please feel free to contact me. 需要时与我联系。

what the hell! 管他呢!

it’s awful. 太糟糕拉。

i can’t wait to see them. 我简直迫不及待想要看他们了。

how extraordinary! 简直不可思议!

don’t lust for fame and gain. 别贪求名利。

i’m so shivering. 我冻得发抖。

shocked! 我非常震惊。

do you notice that? 你注意到了吗?

what can i do for you? 我能帮你做什么吗?

that was hard work. 那活儿真不容易。

i’m glad it’s finished. 我很高兴已经完工了。

i don’t see why i should do that. 我不明白我要这么做。

but i think you’re out of line here. 但我认为你现在有点出格了。

i’ve got to go, i h**e to pick up my son. 我得走了,我得去接我的儿子。

what happened? 怎么回事?

that sounds really terrible! 听起来真可怕!

hooray! 万岁!

take it easy. =go easy. 慢慢来。

easy come, easy go. 来得容易花得快。

easier said than done. 说来容易做时难。

for you convenience, 如果你方便的话,god is our shield. 上帝是我们的保护者。

what a terrible memory you h**e. 你的记性太糟糕了!

don’t make a fuss. 不要大惊小怪。

you’ll regret it. 你会后悔的。

do you want to come over? 你要一起来吗?

i’m not feeling well. 我感觉不太舒服。

that’s it. 是的。

what a tragedy! 真是一个悲剧!

i get your back. =i'm behind you. 我支持你。

so annoying! 好讨厌!

stop that! 够了!

that was close! 好险!

what a coincidence! 真巧!

i h**en't seen you for such a long time. 好久不见。

brag! 吹牛!(he's bragging. there is no way he could do that.)

i'm stuffed. 好饱。

over my dead body! (no way!) 休想!

i’m sitting on the fence. 我在考虑中。

what a great deal/bargain! 真划算!

easy to please. 知足常乐。

hard to please. 很难伺候。

scrooge! 小气鬼!

(you're) asking for it. 自讨苦吃。

off the hook. lucky this time. s**ed by the bell.

you're so lucky the teacher let you off the hoof this time.

stop bossing me around. 别管闲事。

you're so bossy. 你真爱管闲事。

want it badly. 求之不得。

you messed up! 你搞砸了!

i'm going out of my mind! 我快崩溃了!


it s a deal.一言为定。i am behind you.i would like support you.我支持你don t take your heart别往心里去you really look sharp你真漂亮you never know很难预料 很难说。what bring you...


how do i address you?我怎么称呼你。just to be on the safe side.为了安全起见。sorry to bother you抱歉打扰你。i m very really terribly awfully extremely sorry.十分抱歉。h e a ni...


毕业时常用口语。1.i wouldn t h e been able to complete my studies without your advice and guidance.没有您的建议和指导,我是不可能完成学业的。2.ah,how we were when we were freshmen...