
发布 2021-02-06 07:00:28 阅读 5777

it’s a deal.一言为定。

i am behind you. =i would like support you.我支持你don’t take your heart别往心里去you really look sharp你真漂亮you never know很难预料;很难说。

what bring you here?什么风把你吹来了。

do you want a coffee?) that’s ok = no, thank youdon’t push me不要逼我make it up好吧。

can you dig it?你明白吗?

do you want a bet?要不要打赌?don’tget high hat别摆架子that rings a bell听起来很耳熟it’s the other way around.

恰恰相反so far, so good到目前为止还不错。

my time is your time看你什么时间合适you’re asking for trouble你自找麻烦whatever you say随你的便,听你差遣miller time?去喝一杯吗?

couch potato整日呆在沙发上看电视的人shop till you drop血拼到累瘫了the more the merry多多益善hit the spot合口味money talks金钱万能。

money doesn’t grow on tree天上不会掉馅饼it’snot my day=i’m unlucky today今天真倒霉i’m flattered你过奖了,你的厚爱使我受宠若惊i’d rather not say anything我宁愿什么都不说。

what’s that you h**e there?你拿着的是什么东西?tomorrow is anther day明天有是新的一天never say never永远都不要说绝不see is believing眼见为实i got a pay rise我得涨工资了。

why are you so down in the mouth为什么你这么没精打采的i’m still of two minds我还没决定(犹豫不决)get to the point言归正传说要点i need walk against the clock我赶时间i am at a loose end我闲得慌i’m maxed out我太累了let’s take a vote投票表决show off hand举手表决draw lots抽签。

i h**e had enough我受够了;我吃饱了let bygone be bygone既往不咎。

it takes two to make a quarrel一个巴掌拍不响look before you leap三思而后行。

that was then this is now往事已去,我已如今in wine there is truth酒后吐真言。

the way to a man's heart is through his stomach要抓住一个男人的心,先抓住他的胃go ahead make my day放马过来吧。

you can’t h**e your cake and eat it.鱼和熊掌不可兼得it goes in one ear左耳进,右耳出hand in there撑着点。

you can say that again你说得对;我完全同意that’s good to know知道这个真是太好了you are getting warmer接近了,但不准确you don’t say so不至于;未必吧follow my nose跟着直觉走。

let’s play it by ear= let’s enjoy it尽兴,玩得开心i’m really dead=i’m very tired我累死了。

that’s something = excellent, that’s good太好了,太棒了i’m not going to kid you我不是跟你开玩笑。

my hands are full right now= i’m busy now我现在很忙。

it can be a killer=it’s very problem for me这是个伤脑筋的问题you ask for it!你自找的。

we h**e no way out我们没办法了dinner is on me我请客。

you don’t seem to be quite yourself today你今天看起来有点不对劲that is a boy! =it’s great太好了好极了it’s up to you由你来决定;取决于你。

thousand times no! =no way, absolutely绝对办不到easy does it慢慢来。

h**e a good of it= h**e good time, enjoy yourself玩得开心what is the fuss? =what’s the problem吵什么。

don’t let me down= don’t disappoint me不要让我失望don’t play possum不要假装。

how big of you= you are so great, excellent你真棒it’s still in the air未成定局;还不确定。

watch your mouth小心你的嘴巴;说话当心点just about差不多了。

this hall celebration我们该庆祝一下。

you’re almost there你差不多了(到了,完成了)i h**e mix feeling我很纠结。

i’m morning person我是个早起的人i’m night person我是夜猫go with flow随波逐流。

and so, and so fourth, and so fifthit’s business as usual和以前一样。

read my lip= listen carefullytrade is brisk生意兴隆。

she is always with her mind in a haze她总犯糊涂it’s double troubles somehow困难重重。

he looks me up and down他从上到下打量我。

we should always be down to earth我们应该脚踏实地i’m a loss of words我无语了。

you are out of your mind你疯了(比mad,crazy语气轻)


hang in there.坚持一下吧。it s good to be here.我很荣幸来到这里。my pleasure to be here.很高兴到这里来。it was a pleasure.我也很愉快。with pleasure.愿意。帮忙前 my pleasure.不客气。帮忙后 i m ...


how do i address you?我怎么称呼你。just to be on the safe side.为了安全起见。sorry to bother you抱歉打扰你。i m very really terribly awfully extremely sorry.十分抱歉。h e a ni...


毕业时常用口语。1.i wouldn t h e been able to complete my studies without your advice and guidance.没有您的建议和指导,我是不可能完成学业的。2.ah,how we were when we were freshmen...