
发布 2021-02-05 11:13:28 阅读 3051

年资 length of service

税后工资 take-home pay

考核 evaluation

考察 inspection

考绩 evaluation of employee

考绩表 employee evaluation form

自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

年资 length of service hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

税后工资 take-home pay hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

考核 evaluation hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

考察 inspectionhr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

考绩 evaluation of employee hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

考绩表 employee evaluation form hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

自动离职 voluntary withdrawal; quithr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

自荐 self-appointment hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

佣金 commission hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

余之经历如下 my experience is as follows...hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

呈请辞职 tender a resignationhr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

吹毛求疵 carp; split hairs hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

休养许可;病假 sick le**ehr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

休息一下 take a rest; take a breakhr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;

任期届满 expiration of the term of office hr常用英语词汇hr常用英语词汇年资 length of service 税后工资 take-home pay 考核 evaluation 考察 inspection 考绩 evaluation of employee 考绩表 employee evaluation form 自动离职 voluntary withdrawal;


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