苏教译林英语错题集二年级下 涵盖二年级所有知识点

发布 2020-12-24 19:08:28 阅读 6637

( )1. a. inb. under c. sofad. on

)2. a. vase b. giraffe c. beard. monkey

)3. a. long b. tallc. shortd. neck

)4. a. basket b. thisc. those d. these

)5. a. table b. chairc. deskd. cook

)6. a. clean b. deskc. door

)7. a. tail b. shortc. neck

)8. a. tall b. dadc. uncle

)9. a. meat b. soupc. cat

)10. a. orange b. apple c. rice

)11. a. chair b. earc. hair

)12. a. nose b. sofac. door

)13. a. balloon b. broccoli c. noodles

)14. a. broccoli b. brown c. pepper

)15. a. skip b. ridec. bike

)16. a. can b. catc. giraffe

)17. a. what b. howc. white

)18. a. write b. gamec. swim

)19. a. small b. cutec. shorts

)20. a. hat b. atc. in

)21. a. easy b. shirtc. dress

)22. a. it b. ic. your

)23. a. rice b. juicec. blouse

)24. a. hair b. longc. short

)25. a. h**e b. likec. nose

)26. a. autumn b. winter c. nice

)27. a. play b. coolc. run

)28. a. my b. wec. i

)29. a. chinese b. likec. music

)30. a. basket b. onc. behind

)31. a. in b. under c. sofad. on

)32. a. meat b. ricec. h**ed. soup

)33. a. english b. easyc. maths d. art

)34. a. push b. please c. talkd. shout

)35. a. short b. t-shirt c. blouse d. dress

)1. 你想知道你的铅笔在哪儿,你问:

a. where's my pencilb. is this my pencil?

)2. 你想问别人猫在哪儿,别人可能回答:

a. where's kittyb. it's on the mat

)3. 你想告诉妈妈你不喜欢这条连衣裙,你说:

a. i like this dress, mumb. i don't like this dress, mum

)4. 你想知道小狗是不是在桌子底下,你说:

a. is it on the tableb. is it under the table?

)5. 你想知道书包是不是在沙发上,你说:

a. it is on the sofab. is it on the sofa?

)6. 当你想说猫在沙发下面时,可以说:

a. the cat is behind the sofab. the cat is under the sofa.

)7. 当你想吃点胡萝卜时,可以说:

a. h**e some carrots, pleaseb. some carrots, please.

)8. 当你的朋友让你吃点肉时,可以说:

a. thank you. i like meatb. well done.

)9. 你想告诉朋友熊有条短尾巴时,可以说:

a. the bear has a long tailb. the bear has a short tail.

)10. 你想夸今天的晚饭很好时,可以说:

a. how niceb. thank you.

)11. 如果你有一个洋娃娃,可以说:

a. i h**e a dollb. i h**e a door.

)12. 我能看见一个飞机 ,可以说:

a. i can see a planeb. i can see a puppet.

)13. 你想了解别人喜不喜欢春天 ,可以问:

a. do you like springb. do you like summer?

)14. 那是我的新尺 ,可以说:

a. that is my rulerb. that’s my new ruler.

)15. 我喜欢狮子 ,可以说:

a. i like a lionb. i like lions.

)16. 当你想知道对方的爸爸的职业时 ,他会回答:

a. he is a doctorb. he is my father.

)17. 当你想给别人一个花瓶时,可以说:

a. a vase, pleaseb. a vase for you.

)18. 当你想说自己有一双小耳朵时,可以说:

a. i h**e a small earb. i h**e small ears.

)19. 当你说你有大耳朵,想问别人时,你可以问:

a. i h**e big earsb. how about you?

)20. 当你想说我也是短头发,你可以说:

a. i h**e short hair toob. i h**e short hair.

)21. 当你想让别人看看你的大鼻子,你可以说:

a. look at my big noseb. look at your big nose.

)22. 当你的同学知道你不会游泳时,你可以说:

a. can you swimb. sorry, i can’t swim.

)23. 杨玲想知道刘涛会不会滑冰,她可以说:

a. can he skateb. can he skip?

)24. 你的哥哥说他会骑自行车,你可以说:

a. how about youb. me too.

)25. 你想知道泰迪熊是不是在沙发下面, 你可以说:

a. is it under the sofab. it’s under the sofa.

)26. 别人帮你擦了桌子后, 你可以说:

a. clean the table, pleaseb. thank you.

)27. 你想告诉你妈妈你不喜欢这条连衣裙, 你可以说:

a. i don’t like this dress, mumb. i like this dress, mum.

)28. 别人和你说他喜欢那条短裤,你可以说:

a. i like the shirtb. me too.

)29. 你想问别人蓝色怎么样, 你可以问:

a. how about blueb. i like blue?

)30. 别人让你看一看这一条长裙, 你可以说:

a. look at the dressb. it’s cute.

)31. 别人问你会不会跳绳, 你可以说:

a. no, i can’t skipb. can you skip?

)32. 当你想告诉别人你喜欢夏天时,你应该说:

a. i like summerb. i like spring.

)33. 当你告诉别人你在夏天吃冰激凌, 你可以说:

a. in summer, i eat ice creamsb. in summer, i eat yogurt.

)34. 当别人问你是否会做饭时,你可以说:

a. yes, i canb. can you cook?

)35. 当你想问这条短裙怎么样时,你可以说:

a. how about this skirtb. how about these skirts?

)36. 当别人询问你的铅笔在哪时, 你可以说:

a. where’s your pencilb. it’s on the desk.

)37. 你想喝一些果汁, 你可以说:

a. h**e some juice, pleaseb. some juice, please.

)38. 老师让你们排好队,他会说:

a. don’t pushb. queue up, please.

)39. 你不会滑冰,你可以说:

a. i can skateb. i can’t skate.

)40. 你想把一个帽子给别人, 你可以说:

a. a hat for youb. this is a hat.

)41. 你想让同桌不要说话, 你会说:

a. don’t talk, pleaseb. don’t shout, please

)42. 你想知道你的书包在**, 你问:

a. where’s my bagb. is this my bag?

)43. 你想告诉别人英语既有趣又简单, 你可以说:

a. english is fun and easyb. chinese is fun and easy.

)44. 你想喝一些果汁, 你可以说:

a. h**e some juice, pleaseb. some juice, please.

)45. 如果你想把一个气球给别人, 你可以说:

a. a balloon for youb. look at the balloon.

)46. 当你想告诉别人你有数学和美术课时, 你可以说:

a. i h**e music and art todayb. i h**e maths and art today.

)47. 你想知道猫咪在不在花瓶后面, 你可以问:

a. is it behind the vaseb. it’s behind the base.

)48. 你想让别人看那条短裙,你可以说:

a. look at the dressb. look at the skirt.




在森林里。大而强壮。某一天。路过。把他叫醒。想做某事。一天。瘦而弱。释放。第二天。用牙咬网。出来。就在那时。挖一个洞。成为朋友。从那时起。打乒乓球。擅长于。为他们欢呼。用力击球。寻找。找到他。够着它。一个好主意。带一些水来。把 倒入。干得好。大声地说。许多好习惯。早早起床。睡觉晚。刷牙。就寝前。把 ...

二年级下数学错题集 空

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