
发布 2020-12-11 19:07:28 阅读 6398

lesson three

peter: hi, li lei, where are you going?

li lei: i am going to buy some food.

peter: oh, good idea! what’s kind of food do you like best?

li lei: i like fries and chicken.

peter: how about hamburger?

li lei: i don’t like hamburger very much.

peter: ok. let’s go.

句型:who is the man in red?

what’s you f**orite food/drink/color?

how/what about…?

i like…

i don’t like…

词汇:best [best] adv. 最好地。

kind [kaind] n. 种类。

food [fu:d] n. 食物。

about ['baut] 关于。

how [hau] 如何。

color ['kl] n.颜色。

who [hu:] 谁。

red 红色的[red

yellow 黄色的['jelu

green 绿色的[ɡri:n]

blue 蓝色的[blu

purple 紫色的['p:pl

white 白色的[hwait]

black 黑色的[blk

orange 橙色的['rind


brown 棕色的[braun]

lesson four

peter: hello, lily. where are you going?

lily: i am looking for my schoolbay.

peter: what color is it?

lily: it is blue.

peter: what’s in you school?

lily: there are three books, a ruler and an apple.

peter: ok, i will help you.

li lei: hi, lily. is it your schoolbag?

lily: oh,yes, it’s mine. thanks a lot!

li lei: you are welcome.

词汇:pen:[pen] 钢笔

pencil:['pensl] 铅笔

pencil-case:['penslkeis] 铅笔盒

ruler:['ru:l] 尺子

eraser:[i'reis] 橡皮

crayon:['krein] 蜡笔

book:[buk] 书。

bag:[bg] 书包

sharpener:['pn] 卷笔刀

school :[sku:l]学校。

going ['ui] 出发,去。

look [luk] 看。

look for 寻找。

my:[mai] 我的。

mine [main] 我的。

one:[wn] 一

two:[tu:] 二

three:[θri:] 三

four:[f:] 四

five:[faiv] 五

six:[siks] 六

seven:['sevn] 七

eight:[eit] 八

nine:[nain] 九

ten :[ten]十。

in :[in]在……里面。

it [it] 它。

lesson five

peter: hello, i’m peter. what’s your name, please?

lily: i’m lily. nice to meet you.

peter: nice to meet you too.

lily : which class are you in?

peter: i’m in class one, grade six.

how about you?

lily : i’m in class four, grade six.

how many boys and girls in your class?

peter: there are twenty boys and twenty-one girls in my class.

lily : there are twenty-three boys and nineteen girls in my class.

peter: oh, class begins. good bye.

lily : byebye.

词汇。name [neim] 名字。

which [hwit] 哪一个。

class [klɑ:s] 班级。

grade [ɡreid] 年纪。

about ['baut] 关于。

good [ɡud] 好的。

begin [bgn] 开始。

eleven:[i'levn] 十一

twelve:[twelv] 十二

thirteen:['ti:n] 十三

fourteen:['f:'ti:n] 十四。

fifteen:['fif'ti:n] 十五

sixteen:['siks'ti:n] 十六

seventeen:[,sevn'ti:n] 十七

eighteen:['ei'ti:n] 十八

nineteen:['nain'ti:n] 十九

twenty:['twenti] 二十

how many :[hau]:[meni]多少

can:[kn] 能够;可以

look at:[luk][t] 看;瞧。

lesson six

lily : good morning, peter.

peter: good morning, lily.

lily : peter, can i ask you some questions?

peter: of course.

lily : what’s the weaher like today?

peter: it’s a windy day.

lily : what’s the weather like chongqing in summer?

peter: it’s very hot.

lily : what day is it today?

peter: it’s friday.

lily : ok, thanks very much.

peter: you are welcome.

词汇 good [ɡud] 好的。

morning ['m:ni] 早晨。

ask [ɑsk] 问。

question ['kwestn] 问题。

sunny ['sni] 阳光充足的。

foggy ['fɡi] 多雾的。

cloudy ['klaudi] 多云的。

rainy ['reini] 下雨的。

snowy:[snui] 下雪的。

day:[dei] 天。

today:[t'dei] 今天。

warm:[w:m] 暖和的

cold:[kuld] 寒冷的。

cool:[ku:l] 凉爽的

hot [ht] 热的

mondy 星期一

tuesday 星期二


thursday 星期四。

friday 星期五

saturday 星期六

sunday 星期天


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