
发布 2020-11-24 03:12:28 阅读 3372

唐山市新纽约英语学校 (8628006) chinese name:__english name: score:


)1. a. look out b. look at

)2. a. here you are. b. where are you?

)3. a. excuse me. b. come in.

)4. a. no wayb. no problem.

)5. a. where is your pencil? b. can i use your pencil?


) here you areno problem

) where is my pencilcan i use your pencil?

) look, it’s here, under your book.

) thank you.


)1. a. okb. great. c. no problem.

)2. a. it’s on the desk. b. it’s new. c. it’s a desk.

)3. a. great. b. good. c. well.

)4. a. yes, i’m. b. no, i’m c. yes, i am.

)5. a. ok. b. thanks. c. that’s right.


)1. 你想借用一下别人的铅笔 ,这样说会更礼貌

a. sorry, can i use your pencil?

b. excuse me, can i use your pencil?

c. i can use your pencil.

d. can i h**e your pencil?

)2. 同桌问你是否可以把书借给他看看,你会说

a. no, i don’t. b. no, sorry.

c. no problem. d. yes, please.

)3. mike的橡皮不见了,你看见了,在桌子底下,你告诉他: a. it’s on the desk. b. it’s in the desk.

c. it’s under the desk. d. it’s at the desk.

)4. 儿童节到了,上课前,老师会对小朋友们说:__

new year’s day! b. happy children’s day !


)1. let’s __a game. a. playing b. play c. to play

)2. _is my ruler? it’s in your pencil-box.

a. what b. how c. where

)3. _it’s under the chair. a. look b. see c. look at

)4.--let’s go to the zoo

a. great b. i see c. thank you

)5. point___the window. a. to b. in c. in

)6. the dress is __you. a. for b. to c. of

) happy children’s day, amy! b

a. happy children’s day, mom! b. thank you, mom .

)8. let’s play hide anda seek b look

) cold. _your new coat.

a. dress b. wear c. put on

)10. _vest is yellow . a my b me

)11. i __two violins . a h**e b has

)12i am behind you.

a. where are you? b. which are you c. what are you


1. here you areyes, i do.

2. where is my crayonyes!

3. let’s play a gameon the chair

4. do you like watermelons? thank you

5. can i h**e a peachgreat!

6. are you readycertainly!


五看图,判断下列句子是否正确!正确的写“t”,错误的写“f” .


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