
发布 2020-11-18 19:12:28 阅读 4154

he’s never been late for school, has he?

1. hungry—hungrier—hungriest反义词full

15. change


great changes7a unit four

food5) sheep—sheep



6) foot—feet



9. tom hates __juice very much, _his tomato, likes

b. tomatoes, like

2. health—healthy—healthily


more healthily

be good for health

keep healthy

grow healthily3. easy—easier—easiest

easily—more easily

4. tired

more tired

less tired

feel tired5. keep(stay) fit / healthy保持健康。

keep the hall clean保持大厅的干净。

keep sb doing sth让某人不断做某事。

keep sb from doing sth让某人不做某事。

keep doing sth.不停地做某事。

keep chickens饲养鸡。

6. like


v.喜欢。look like

sound like

susan, like her mother, likes music.


7. between mum and me

between meals

8. sweet


how sweet the sweets are!这些糖果多么甜!

9. plan(v.)—planning—planned

plan to do sth.

n.) the plan for sth.

what’s your plan for your holiday?

10. free—freely

move freely自由地移动。

for free免费地。

a free ticket一张免费的票。

in my free/spare time在我的闲暇里。

11. lie—lay—lain—lying

躺;位于。lie in bed

china lies in the east / in the eastern part of the world.



tell a lie12. luck—lucky—luckily


more luckily

be lucky enough to do sth幸运地做某事。

good luck to sb. with sth.

good luck with your new diet and lifestyle.祝你新的饮食和生活方式好运。

luckily, they all passed the final exam.13. without反义词with

drink water without getting fattwo glasses of milk without sugar两杯不加糖的牛奶。


without saying anything, dad left.没说一句话,爸爸就走开了。

14. never从不。


here’s your change.这是找你的零头。

v.改变。my hometown has changed greatly since 1990.16. less than少于。

at least至少。

little—less—leastmore than多于。

at most至多。

much—more—most17. carry—carries—carried

carry water提水。

18. buy—bought—bought—buys—buying

buy sb. sth./buy sth. for sb.

19. feel—felt—felt

feel well感觉(身体)好。

the silk shirt feels soft.这丝绸衬衫摸起来柔软。

20. list清单。

make a list of sth.列出某事的清单。

on the shopping list在购物单上。

21. watch two hours of tv = watch tv for two hours


22. so many vegetables / so much sugar

23. a round face

move round / around the sun24. energy—energetic

much energy很多能量。

an energetic leader一个精力充沛的领导。

25. a top student一个尖子生。

26. the seat inthefront of the bus车前的座位。

speak in front of the whole class在全班学生前发言。

27. tell stories in english用英语讲故事。

28. the soup in the bowl碗里的汤。

29. sheseldomsingsordances.他很少唱歌或跳舞。

30. he doesn’t need(行为动词) a lot of energy.他不需要很多的能量。

31. this meal gives energy for the afternoon and for playin**olleyball.这一餐为下午以及打排球提供了能量。

32. idon’teat hamburgersany more(any longer).ino more (no longer)eat hamburgers.


33. it is easy / difficult / important / necessary…for sb. to dosth.对某人来说做某事……。

34. (1) glasses



boxes2) libraries




3) tomatoes











cafes35. a bowl of rice一碗米饭。

a carton of milk一纸盒奶。

two cups of tea两杯茶。

three kilos of meat三公斤肉。

36. thereisapairof shoes under the bed.

therearethreepacketsof salt in the many

glassesof juiceare threeon the table?how much juice

is thereon the table?38. (1)--how many times h**e you been to canada?

-only once / twice / three times.

2)--how often do you exercise?--once a week. /every morning.

never/seldom/sometimes/often/usually/always.)(3)--how long do you watch tv every day?

- two hours.(4)--how soon will dad come back? -in half an hour.

链接中考。1. -do you like __

-no, i prefer rose, the color of your dress.

a. orange

b. oranges

c. carrot

d. carrots(

2. _is easy for me to get tired when i dance.

a. itb. that

c. this

d. he(

3. our english teacher was standing __us so that shecould hear us all clearly.

a. away from

b. far behind

c. between

d. among(

4. -did you play badminton yesterday?

-yes. but i __play badminton these days becausemy right foot hurts.

a.. usually

b. always

c. never

d. seldom(

5weh**eno___peas, carrots and cabbages.

a.. vegetables

b. eggs

c. meat

d. fruit(

isb. isn’t

c. has

d. hasn’t(

7there any cartons of milk in the fridge?

a. isb. are

c. h**e

d. has(

8. there are __bread on the some

b. much

c. a piece of

d. two pieces ofc. tomatoes, likes

d. tomato, like(

10. -now i don’t eat too much meat any more andi h**e fruit every day.

--good luck __your new diet..a. with

b. toc. for

d. at(

11. how many __can you see in the picture?

a. juice

b. meat

c. sheep

d. sweet(

12. _sheep is eating grass there.

a. few

b. a few

c. little

d. a little(

always sit __the car. you’d better wearthe seat-belta. in front of

b. in the front of

c. behind

d. beside(

14. would you please pass me __

a. two salt

b. two salts

c. two packets salt

d. two packets of salt(

15. _does the boy read english every day?

---about two how often

b. how long

c. how much

d. how soon(

16. we h**e 20___teachers in our school..a. woman b. women

c. woman’s d. women’s(

17. no hurry. we still h**e __time few

b. a few

c. little

d. a little(

18.--i wonder __you’ll water the tree.

---once a week.

a. how often

b. how long

c. how soon

d. how much(

19. -i don’t care what my teachers think.


a. could

b. would

c. should

d. might(

20. mrs black is so kind that she is __ready tohelp people in need.


21. -the party is a great success. we’ve had agood time.

a. it doesn’t matter.

b. no, thanks.

c. it’s not very sad.

d. i’m glad to hearthat.


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