
发布 2020-11-12 02:41:28 阅读 2343


22. i h**e a really busy week 我一周很忙。

23. football match足球比赛。

24. my cousin's birthday party 我表弟的生日聚会。

25. write soon 尽快回信。

26. study for my science test 为科学考试而学习。

27. 给某人打**的几种说法:

call sb. up, call sb. phone sb., phone to sb. telephone sb. telephone to sb.

phone sb. up,ring sb. give sb. a ring, give sb. a phone

make a telephone call to sb.

28. on thursday night 星期四晚上。

29. be (go) on vacation 度假。

30. next week下周。

31. join sb.加入某人一起。

32. please keep quiet! 请保持安静, keep+形容词表示"保持某种状态",keep+(sb.

)+doing 表示"(使某人)不停地做某事", keep sth. 保存某物。

34. culture club 文化俱乐部。

35. try to do sth. 努力(企图)做某事,try doing sth.试着做某事,try one' best to do sth. 尽力做某事。


话题decision ******

功能项目talk about consequences

词汇jeans牛仔裤, organize组织, agent**人, chance机会, charity慈善团体;慈善事业。

injured受伤的;受损害的,短语let in让进来, take away拿走, make a living谋生, all the time一直, be able to能够。

句型1. -i think i’m go

oing to…

-- if you do, you’ll…

2. -i’m going to…

-- so am i

3. -if i bee…, i will…


i think i’ll ride my bike i think i’m going to stay at home


if you do, you’ll be late. if you do, you’ll be sorry.


例1simon __to see his grandpa if hefree next week。

e, will be b. es, is

c. will e, is d. es, will be

〖解题思路〗 当谈论将来可能出现的情况时,主句常用一般将来时,从句常用一般现在时表将来时。如:

if he doesn’t e, he will be sorry. 如果他不来,他会后悔的。

另外,主句中也可用情态动词(can, could, may, might …)表示可能的结果。如:

if i hear from jim, i may le**e tonight. 如果我收到吉姆的来信,我可能今晚就离开。


例2and if you bee rich,you will h**e a difficult timewho your real friends are.

know b. kowning

c. knew d. known

【解题思路】本题考察短语h**e a difficult time doing sth.意思为“做某事很困难”,类似的短语还有h**e some problems doing sth,h**e a nice/good/hard time doing sth,h**e fun doing sth等等。故答案选b。

例3.--what___when they walked past the street corner?

--some young men were fighting.

happen b. was happen

c. was happening happened

〖解题思路〗从答句可知道是“一些年轻人(那时)正在打架。”而问句中when引导的过去某一动作发生时,另一动作正在发生,正好符合过去进行时的用法。另外,happen 是不及物动词,意思是“偶然发生”,常用于短语:

sth happens/happened to sb.特别注意: happen不能用于被动语态。


例4 the match made them __at last.

a. happily b. quickly c. slowly d. friendly

〖解题思路〗本题是考察make这个词的两种常用法:(1)make sb do sth使某人做某事;(2)make sb/sth+名词或形容词表示使某人(物)呈某种状态。很显然,从答案可以看出本题是考察:

“make sb/sth+名词或形容词”。而a,b,c所提供的三个词均为副词,所以可以直接排除。故正确答案应选d。

初二年级上册英语知识点 第五单元知识点

一 短语。1.come to one s party 参加某人的聚会。2.on saturday afternoon 在星期六的下午。3.i d love to 我非常乐意。4.i m sorry 对不起。5.study for a test为测验而学习。6.go to the doctor 去看医...

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