
发布 2021-06-04 01:20:28 阅读 5907



1. take : 拿走 take sb.

/sth. to someplace; take sth. with you bring:

带来 bring sth for a picnic it’s going to rain, please take an umbrella with you. you’d better finish your homework today and bring it to school tomorrow.

2. keep + 名词 + 形容词 keep the windows open, it’s hot here. keep sb doing sth i’m sorry i’ve kept you waiting for a long time.

keep表示“借”用于和一段时间连用: how long can i keep this book?

3. let / make / h**e sb do sth 让(使)某人干某事 let’s go to the zoo! how did he make the baby stop crying?

4. forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 remember to do sth 记得去做某事 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 remember doing sth 记得做过某事。

5. stop to do sth 停下来做另一件事情 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情 stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事 let’s stop to h**e a test, it’s too hot today. when the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped talking.

we plant trees to stop the wind from blowing the earth away. begin / start to do sth

6. tell / ask sb to do sth 否定形式 tell / ask sb not to do sth. policemen asked us not to play on the road , it was too dangerous.

our teacher told us a story yesterday.

7. see / hear / watch sb do sth see / hear / watch sb doing sth i heard him singing in the room when i passed by.

8. enjoy sth ; enjoy doing sth ; enjoy oneself = h**e a good time our classmates went to the zoo last sunday. they enjoyed themselves.

9. be busy with sth ; be busy doing sth they are all busy with their work.

10. finish doing sth. tom didn’t go to bed until he finished writing the composition.

11. want sth / to do sth / sb to do sth would like sth / to do sth / sb to do sth feel like doing sth. he didn’t feel like eating anything.

12. had better do sth 否定形式: had better not do sth you’d better not sing here, the baby is asleep.

13. why not do sth ? why don’t you do sth ?

why didn’t you do sth ? why not come with me? 14.

what about sth / what about doing sth ? how about --how about playing basketball with us?

15. thank you for sth / thanks for doing sth. thanks for your helpit’s a pleasure.

thanks very much for helping me.

16. instead往往放在句首或句尾 instead of sth / instead of doing sth. 通常放中间 he didn’t go to the park.

he went to the cinema instead. he went to the cinema instead of going to the park..

17. put on 强调动作 wear 强调状态 in 介词,构成一个短词 put on your old clothes tomorrow, because we’ll do some cleaning. kate is wearing a red sweater today.

the man in a blue suit is mr. li

18. 在if 引导的条件状语从句、以when , before, after , as soon as 引导的时间状语从句, 当主句是:一般将来时态、含情态动词或祈使句的情况下,从句用一般现在时表示将来时。

we’ll go hiking if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. it doesn’t rain = it isn’t rainy i’ll tell her the good news as soon as i see her. 同样的情况还适用于not --until 句型 i won’t go to bed until i finish my homework.

19. 在以when 引导的时间状语从句, 当从句是一般过去时态时,主句往往用过去进行时,表示在过去的某一时刻正在发生或正在进行的动作: they were h**ing supper when i got to their home.

20. it’s time for sth / it’s time to do sth / it’s time for sb to do sth. it’s time for us to start our lesson now.

21. it takes / it took / it will take somebody some time to do something. it took them twenty minutes to finish the cleaning.

it will take us about ten hours to finish our homework.

22. it 作形式主语或形式宾语,其真正的主语或宾语是后面带to 的动词不定式: it’s necessary to learn english well.

we found it difficult to work out the maths problems.

23. too --to 句型, too --for sb to do sth --对某人来说太---以致于不能---the apples on the tree are too high for me to reach. kate is too young to go to school.

24. enough 用法:形前名后, big enough ; enough food --enough to do sth 足够---能够---jim is old enough to go to school.

25. little , a little 修饰不可数名词 ; much 修饰不可数 few a few 修饰可数名词; many 修饰可数 a little a few 具有肯定含义little few 具有否定含义 some, any , a lot of = lots of 既可以修饰不可数,也可以修饰可数名词; there is a little time left, take it easy. we’d better go shopping ,there are few eggs left.

mr. little doesn’t h**e much money. (否定句中常用much而不用a lot of )

26. much too 中心词是too, 常修饰形容词, it’s much too cold today, we should wear warm clothes. too much中心词是much, 常修饰不可数名词, there’s too much water, please be careful..

27. 有关情态动词的问答: may i --no, you can’t.

no, you mustn’t. must i / we --no, you needn’t. 要注意could 和can的区别:

could可表示语气的委婉,也表示过去的能力 could you help me ? could she swim when she was four years old? 要注意must 和h**e to 的区别:

must强调主观, h**e to 强调客观要注意maybe和 may be的区别 : maybe在句中作谓语 maybe it’s here. it may be here.

28. 不定代词:someone, anyone ; something , anything , nothing ; somebody , anybody, nobody.

something常用于肯定句和表示请求的疑问句中 , anything用于否定句中和疑问句中,not anything = nothing ; without anything = with nothing would you like something to eat? i’d like chinese tea with nothing in it . 形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词后面:

be quiet! i h**e something important to tell you. is there anything interesting in today’s news*****?


一 v do 让某人做某事。letsbnotdosth让某人不做某事。做什么怎么样为什么不做 whynotputonaraincoat,itsrainingoutside.外面在下雨,为什么不穿个雨衣呢?使某人做某事。iwilldomybesttomakemydreamcometrue.我会尽我所能...


的用法 try not to do sth 尽力,尽量 不 去做某事 try doing sth 尝试做某事。在课堂上尽量认真听老师讲课。尽量不要每个单词都翻译。让我们试着说英语。try one s best to do sth 尽某人最大能力做某事我会尽我最大能力帮你通过考试的。原级 as pos...

初二英语上册知识点 短语

in the end finally最后,终于,take a photo take photos照相,店 cook sth for sb.cook 为某人做饭buy,make such a an adj 单数名词 so adj a an 单数名词 名前such,形副so,多多少少也用so,littl...