五年级上册英语单元测试卷 uint2

发布 2020-11-07 02:51:28 阅读 1965


unit 2 do you h**e any glue?



一。 listen and number. (10%)

二.listen and choose the word or sentence you hear. (10%)

)1. a. cat b. bat

)2. a. many b. any c. and

)3. a. ***** b. ***** clips

)4. a. son b. some c. star

)5. a. cut b. fun c. cat

)6. a. glue b. blue c. tow

)7. a. i h**e some books. b. she has some tape.

c. he has some pets.

) 8. a. are you ****** models?

b. are you ****** something? c.

are you ****** a kite?

)9. a. do you h**e any rulers?

b. do you h**e any glue? c.

do you h**e any scissors?

)10. a. does she h**e any *****? b. does she h**e any tape?

c. does he h**e any pens?

三.listen and choose the best answer. (10%)

)1. a. i am a doctor. b. i am reading a book. c. i am fine.

)2. a. yes, i am. b. yes, she is. c. no, he isn’t.

)3. a. yes, he is. b. yes, he does. c. yes, she does.

)4. a. i h**e a pen. b. they h**e some rice.

c. he has some band.

)5. a. i like swimming. b. he is drawing. c. i am singing.

四。 listen and fill in the blank. (10%)

1. do you h**e any

2. jenny __a cat.

3. i’mthe desk.

4. my father is a

5. tonyh**e any *****.


五。 选出下列每组中不同类的单词。(5%)

) 1. a. notebook b. staple c. football

) 2. a. cat b. pet c. rabbit

) 3. a. son b. mother c. doctor

) 4. a. farmer b. worker c. sister

) 5. a. cut b. fly c. bat

六。 选择填空:(10%)

) 1. what are you doing

a. i eat apples. b. i am writing. c. i am six.

) 2. do you h**e __tape? yes, i do.

a. any b. some c. a

) 3. hetwo cats.

a. has b. h**e c. is

) 4. my uncleh**e any toys.

a. don’t b. isn’t c. doesn’t

) 5. _sheany ***** clips?

a. do, h**e b. does, has c. does, h**e

七。 ab栏配对。(10%)

八。 根据前后句子的意思,填写适当的单词在横线上。(10%)

1. i want to stick(贴) it, i’m going to use

2. i want to cut it, i’m going to use

3. i want to write, i’m going to use

4. i want to sent a letter(寄信), i’m going to use

5. i want to color it, i’m going to use

九。 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误,对的写t,错的写f。(10%)

nancy is my best friend. we are at the same age. we are in the same class.

she lives on a big farm. it is next to a big city. she is only seven years old, but she is tall.

she has two big eyes and a small nose. i like flying kites, but she doesn’t. she likes playing with her little pets.

she likes animals very much.

) 1. nancy and i are good friends .

) 2. nancy and i are both(都是) seven.

) 3. she has a big nose and small eyes.

) 4. she likes flying kites.

) 5. nancy likes animals and she has some pets.

十。 作文:以“my uncle” 为题写一篇不少于5句话的小短文。要求书写清晰规范,语句通顺连贯,句子结构正确。(10%)

五年级上册英语单元测试卷(开心版)unit 2听力内容。

一。 听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列的编号。 (10%)

1. scissors, 2. envelope, 3.

stamp, 4. parrot, 5. ***** clips, 6.

bat, 7. tape, 8. rubber bands, 9.

dictionary, 10. staples

二.听录音,选择你所听到的单词或句子,并把其编号写在前面的括号里。 (10%)

1. pet, 2. any 3. pencils 4. son 5. cut 6. blue

7.. she has some tape.

8. are you ****** models?

9. do you h**e any rulers?

10. does he h**e any pens?

三.听录音,根据你所听到的问题选择正确的答句,并把其编号写在前面的括号里。 (10%)


2013 2014第一学期。学校年级班得分。听力部分 30分。一 听音,写出下列各句的顺序。10分 i know.he s my father.what s he like?mr carter.he s from canada.he s tall and strong.he s very funny...


姓名分数。一 翻译下列单词 30分 1.年轻的2.滑稽可笑的3.高的。4.强壮的5.西红柿6.年老的。7.看电视8.明天9.先生。10.鱼11.聪明的12.严格的。13.聪明的14.积极的15.安静的。二 写出下列单词的反义词。8分 old tall quietbig 三 找出每小题中与众不同的那一...


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