
发布 2020-11-03 00:07:28 阅读 3459





、学生能够听懂、会说:are you helpful at home,……what can you do ?

i can sweep the floor. you ’re helpful!并能在情景中运用。

、学生能够听懂、会唱歌曲“i can help”。


重点:句型“what can you do ? i can ……

难点:句子“are you helpful at home?”以及在实际情景中正确运用所学句子来做对话。


) 1. a. grapeb. facec. catd. table

) 2. a. oldb. coldc. oftend. rose

) 3. a. funnyb. tofuc. muttond. bus

) 4. a. web. mec. shed. very

) 5. a. likeb. strictc. fishd. is

) 6. a. headb. eatc. meatd. please

) 7. a. clockb. cleanc. musicd. nice

) 8. a. umbrella b. student c. musicd. tube

) 9. a. holeb. boxc. nosed. home

) 10. a. window b. flowc. flowerd. yellow


) 1. a. social studiesb. homeworkc. moral educationd. p. e.

) 2. a. youngb. short c. quietd. thin

) 3. a. fruitb. grape c. apple d. orange

) 4. a. mountainb. skyc. aird. healthy

) 5. a. closet b. path c. mirrord. end table




do not(缩略形式sun.(完全形式。

do housework(汉语in a nature park(汉语。




) 1. mr lin is our math teacher. he’s a

a. boyb. manc. woman

) 2. what do you h**e __mondays?

a. onb. forc. to

) 3. is he stricthe is.

a. nob. yesc. yes

) 4. potatoes __my f**ourite food.

a. areb. isc. am

) 5. is he tallhe’s short.

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. no, he is.

) 6. what’s __chinese teacher like?

a. youb. yourc. you’re

) 7. there are___days in a week.

a. sixb. sevenc. eight

) 8. i often watch tv __saturday .

a. onb. inc. at

) 9. i like don’t like music.

a. butb. andc. so

) 10. this is __apple. it is___red apple.

a. a, ab. an, anc. an, a

) a mirror , a bed and a closet in the bedroom.

a. are b. amc. is

)12. there ia a picture __the wall.

a. in b. on c. to

)13. are there any fish in the river?__

a. no, there isn’t. b. yes, there aren’t. c. no, there aren’t.


1. what do you h**e for lunch on mondays

we h**e potatoes, tofu and fish

2. what’s your f**ourite fruit

3. what can you do

i can wash the dishes, set the table and sweep the floor

4. is there a forest in the park

no, there isn’t

5. what’s your english teacher like

she’s tall and thin,she’s very kind


) 1. i often read books at home.

) 2. the young lady is our principal. she's kind.

) 3. this is a picture of my room.

) 4. it's a beautiful nature park. there is a lake and a forest.

) 5. chen jie can put away the clothes.


) a. is there an air-conditioner?

) b. really? what's it like?

) c. there is a big closet and blue curtains.

) d. i h**e my own room now.

) e. yes, there is.



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