
发布 2020-10-27 04:35:28 阅读 7136

五年级上册unit 1-unit3测试卷。

学校姓名等级 __



) b. delicious c. quiet d. strict

) b. hot c. fresh d. sweet

) b. young c. monday d. funny

) b. watch c. play d. weekend

) b. salad c. sunday d. saturday


like (完整形式反义词。

3. it (复数复数。

(复数 not (缩写形式。


1. my sister is y

2. my teacher isn’t strict. she’s very k

4. what wyou like to drink? i’d like some juice.

5. i like bit’s delicious.

6. what do you do on sundays?

i often p___ping-pong. sometimes i watch tv.


1. you like saladi ),too.

2. i like hamburgersit )are sweet.

3. what would you likeeat )?i’d like some chicken.

4. we h**e chinese, music and art ontuesday ).

5. my f**ourite food istomato). they’re delicious.


( )don’t like beef, _chicken is ok.

a. and b. but c. so

) 2. is ms wang young? yes, is.

a. he b. she c. she

)3. your art teacher like? she’s young and kind.

a. who’s b. what c. what’s

) h**e chinese, maths and english __wednesdays.

a. in b. of c. on

) often h**e a cooking class __my grandma.

a. and b. with c. for

) often do homework and read books___sundays.

a. in b. on c. of

) like sandwiches. _delicious.

a. it’s b. they are c. they’re

) oftenon the weekend

a. play ping-pong b. play the ping-pong c. watch tv

) 9. what do you h**e tuesdays?

we h**e english, chinese , math and music.

a. to b. on c. at

) would you likei’d like some hamburgers

a. to eat b. to drink c. eat

) is tuesday. tomorrow is

a. monday b. thursday c. wednesday

) your f**ourite drink

a. ice cream b. tomatoes c. milk

) you often play sports on sundays

a. yes, i am. b. no, i do. c. yes, i do.

) like orange juice. fresh and healthy.

a. it’s b. it c. they’re

) your father like? is tall and hard-working.

a. he b. he c. she



a. what’s your f**ourite food?

b. what’s your f**ourite fruit?

c. how do you like fruit?

2. 如果你想问“你们星期一上什么课?”应该说:(

a. monday is my f**orite.

b. we h**e english, math, and

c. what do you h**e on mondays?


a.i don’t like fish. it’s hot.

b. i like fish. it’s hot.

c. i don’t like fish. they’re hot.

4.别人问你:“what do you do on saturdays?” 你应该回答:(

a. i like saturdays.

play computer games and read books on saturdays.

c. i h**e art and pe on saturdays.


a. what would you like for dinner?

b. what do you h**e for lunch?

c. what would you like for breakfast?


)she’s young and pretty.

)is she quiet?

)no, she isn’t. she’s very active.

)really? what’s she like?

1)i h**e a new music teacher.


) your father stricta. no, i don’t.

) your english teacher? b. she is polite.

) do you do on sundays? c. no, it isn’t

) she liked. miss white.

) you like noodlese. yes, she is.

) your f**ourite food? f. i like beef.

) it mondayg. i often play football.

) would you like to drink? h. yes, he is.

) she kindi. i’d like some milk.


1. do h**e you on what mondays (?

2. teacher your english who is (?

3. would what like you to eat (?


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