
发布 2020-10-23 12:40:28 阅读 3716



chen jieswim

u yifansummerfly kites

sarahsummermake snowmen

ikefallreat ice-cream

tomwinterplant trees

eat much fruit


1.( a. at 7:00 o’clock. b. in ay.

2.( a. yes, he isb. no, she isn’t

3a. tofub. grapes.

4a. i like summer best b. i’d like some milk

5a. fridayb. it’s ay 15th

6a. because i can skate on the ice.

b. because i don’t like winter.

7a. yes, i canb. yes, i am .

8a. it’s sunnyb. it’s fall now


do you do on

i usuallymy

2. i likebesti can swim in theand


3. hat’s yourfood?

4. hen is your

2th5. hen do you often play the

atin the afternoon.


一)shopping 2. go hiking 3. play football 4. play the piano

5. play sports 6. skate

a. tuesday b. ednesday c. thursday d. sunday

1) sarah often plays sports on tuesday. (

2) jack often goes hiking and play football on thursday.(

3) r li often plays the piano on ednesday. (

4) sarah often goes shopping on sunday. (

二)1.jan. 2.feb. 3.apr. 4.july 5.aug. 6.dec.

a.first b.secondc.third d.twelfth

e.eleventh f.twenty-first

1)iss hite's birthday is in june.(

2)chen jie’s birthday is on augustl2th.(

3)amy's birthday is in december.(

4)tim's birthday is on april 3.(

第六关 a:把每组单词中不同类的一个找出来,把它的字母编号写在括号里。

( )1.a.work b.eat c.week

( )2.a.why b.that c.what

( )3.a.nov. b.ay c.jan.

( )4.a.season b.winter c.summer

( )5.a.usually b.often c.when

b:read and write. 写出下列单词的缩写形式。


is notwhat is

c:look and write.看中文完成单词。


2. _a___堆雪人)


5.he often做运动)in the afternoon.

6___哪一个)season do you___最喜欢)?

7什么时候)is your birthday?


1.hat about you?

2.ho has a birthday in february?

3.y birthday is in june.

4.it’s february12th.

5.hat is the date?

6.e.( )一( )一( )一( )一( )一( )


( )1.ais today? b:today is thursday.

a.hat time b.hat day c.hat date

( )is the month in a year.

a.second b.first c. third

( )3.ado you like english class?

bit is funny and useful.

a.here ,and b.hen,in c. hy,because

( )4.hat colour you like? i like white.

a.dob.does c.are

( )5.i usuallyn the weekend.

sports sports c.play sport


today is feb.3rd ,2004. this is a picture of my family.

this is my father. he is in his forties. he is a teacher of english.this is my mother. she was born (出生) in l962.she is a doctor.

this is my brother. he is a good student.he is in his early teens.this is me. i’m a boy.i am ten years old.

( )1.e can see___people in the picture.

a.three b.two c.four

( )2.the family has___sons.

a.one b.two c.three

( )3.y brother is

a.in his late teens b in his forties c. in his early teens

( )4.i amyears 01d.

a. 9 b.10 c.11

( )5.how o1d is my mother?

人教版 小学数学五年级下册期末综合能力测试题

人教版 小学数学五年级下册期末综合能力测试题。亲爱的同学,快到期末了,现在是展示你的学习成果之时,希望你沉着应考,争取好成绩,迎接愉快的暑假!一 认真思考,填一填。1 的分数单位是 它含有 个这样的分数单位,再添上 个这样的分数单位就等于最小的质数。2 分数,当a 时,它是最大的真分数,当a 时,它...

人教版 小学数学五年级下册期末综合能力测试题

一 认真思考,填一填。1 的分数单位是 它含有 个这样的分数单位,再添上 个这样的分数单位就等于最小的质数。2 分数,当a 时,它是最大的真分数,当a 时,它是最小的最简假分数。3 修一段长60千米的公路,修路队每天修全长的,已修了5天,还剩下全长的。5 能同时被 整除的最大两位数是 把它分解质因数...

人教版 小学数学五年级下册期末综合能力测试题

五年级数学下册期末综合能力测试题。一 认真思考,填一填。1 的分数单位是 它含有 个这样的分数单位,再添上 个这样的分数单位就等于最小的质数。2 分数,当a 时,它是最大的真分数,当a 时,它是最小的最简假分数。3 修一段长60千米的公路,修路队每天修全长的,已修了5天,还剩下全长的。5 能同时被 ...