人教版小学五年级英语下册期末测试题 附答案

发布 2020-10-23 07:50:28 阅读 2438





eat breakfast 9:30

do morning exercises 6:30

h**e chinese class 5:30

play sport 7:00

eat dinner 8:00


)because i can plant trees. which season do you like best?


)what’s your f**ourite season, sarah?


)why do you like spring?



1、( a. jan. b. paint c. july d. sept.

2、( a. chair b. desk c. bed d. apple

3、( a. tasty b. pork c. mutton d. tofu

4、( a. house b. bridge c. clean d. tree

5、( a. on b. near c. behind d. night


简写形式) 简写形式)

.second(基数词) 基数词)

5. fly(ing形式) 形式)

复数形式) 8. kite(复数形式)

9. go(ing形式) 10. turn(ing形式)


) can i speak __your mom, please?

a. that is; on b. i am; for c. this is; to

) 2. cousin alice’s birthday isapril.

a. at b. in c. on

) 3. i play football at 3:00the afternoon.

a. on b. for c. in

) 4. is he watching ants? no, he

a. is b. isn’t c. doesn’t

) 5. can pandas swim? yes, they

a. can’t b. could c. can

) 6. -what's your f**ourite season?

a. i like fall best. b. february is my f**ourite. c. i swim in summer.

) 7. august is themonth of the year.

a. seven b. ninth c. eighth

) 8. -what is mike doing?

---hea. running b. swims in the riverc. is walking

) 9do you like summer?

i can swim in the river.

a. why, becauseb. why, and c. which, because

) 10. apples are sweet __fall.

a. on b. in c. at


1、season do like which you best

2、doing what are now you

:00 get the usually i up at morning in

4、birthday is your when

5、book am a reading i


thank you ②reading ③this is ④hold on ⑤please


b: can i speak to your brother,?

a:sure, please. he’sa book.


i love summer! in summer, the weather is usually very hot, and i can swim in the river.,spring is beautiful, i like to plant flowers in the garden.

it’s so nice to watch the flowers grow.

in autumn, i can pick apples. they are so delicious in the autumn. i also love to watch the le**es fall.

is that why we can call autumn fall?

it usually snows in winter here. when it snows, i like to make a snowman.

i love all the seasons. they are all beautiful and i can find many things to do.

) 1. the weather is warm in summer.

) 2. i like to plant flowers in the park.

) 3. i like to watch the le**es fall in summer.

) 4. i don’t like snow in winter.

) 5. i like spring.

附加题:a funny day in the park

要求:用上be doing句型)



1、winter 2、swim 3、skate 4、dinner 5、sport

6、spring 7、watching 8、f**ourite 9、running 10、birthday


hello, mom, this is my day in my new school. i eat breakfast at 7:00.

i do morning exercises at 8:00. i usually h**e chinese class at 9:

30. i play sport at 5:30 in the afternoon.

at 6:30 in the evening, i eat dinner. i like my school life very much.

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