
发布 2020-09-30 11:27:28 阅读 3724



英语学科(四年级) 50分钟。



listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单词)(5个评价点)

) c. from

) desk b. teacher c. teachers’office

) b. cloudy c. windy

) shirt b. skirt c. shoes

) breakfast b. lunch c. supper


a.tomatoes 's

to the

2、take off your

3、i like

4、i see five

5、__the weather like in newyork ?


1、funny 2、cloudy 3、tomatoes 4、shoes 5、vegetables


and .(看看各图是否与录音内容相符,如相符的画“ √不符的画“ ×



) 1. a. it’s 25 yuan. b. they’re 24 yuan. c. it’s nice.

) 2. a. they’re brown and whiteb. it’s black c. it’s cold .

) 3. a. it’s ten o’clock b. it’s cheap c. it’s sunny and warm

) 4. a. yes,they are b. no, it isn’t c. yes, it is .

( )i h**e 40 b. there are 40 c. i can see 40

读写部分 (60个评价点)

i .把正确的单词写在横线上 (5个评价点)

and choose.(选出不同类的单词)(5个评价点)

) b. jacketc. goat

) secondc. first

)3. a. windy b. pantsc. cloudy

)4. a. umbrella b. prettyc. cheap

)5. a. cowb. bedc. horse


) 1.__that a music room?

a. is b. is c. are

) 2is the art room? -it's on the second floor.

a. whob. what c. where

a. areb. isc. am

) h**e a __

a. green skirts b. yellow dress c. red skirts

) 5.--is this __dress? -yes, it is.

a. youb.

) 6.__the weather like today?

a. what'sb. where'sc. how's

) much __this pencil-case?

a. are b. is c. am

) s time __go home.

a. forb. toc./

) 9.__it rainy?

a. isb. isc. are

) 10.--what arethey are cucumbers.

a. theseb. thisc. the


ab )1 . how many sheep are there? a. the skirt is ¥23..

) 2. how much is this skirt? b. it's cool.

) 3. are these carrots and tomatoes? c. there are twenty-one sheep there.

)4. what's the weather like today? d. no,they are carrots and onions.

) i wear my new shirt today, mum? e. yes, you can wear his new shirt today.

v情境交际 (10个评价点)


a. whatarethese? b. whatarethose?


a. thecarrotsaresobig.


a. trysome!


a. howmanyhorses?b. aretheyhorses?


aidon’tlikegreenbeans. biliketoeatgreenbeans.

vi. 连词组句。(10个评价点)

1. is it to get up time .

2. they potatoes are.

3. time is what it ?

4. this a is desk teacher’s .


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