
发布 2020-09-29 01:19:28 阅读 1859



school(学校) office (办公室) busy (忙碌的) computer(计算机,电脑) many(许多) library(图书馆) playground(操场) classroom(教室) toilet(厕所) animal(动物) forest(森林) pupil(小学生) student(学生) try (尝试) first(第一) climb trees(爬树) teachers’ office(教师办公室) in the forest(在森林里) come on(过来,加油。


1. 如果某地有某物用 there is 或there are.

如果某人有某物用人+has 或人+h**e.

there be 句型表示“有”。 be 包括 is, am , are (是)

in your school? (在你的学校里有什么?)

there is a big playground in my school.(在我的学校里有一个大操场。)

---there are twenty-four classrooms in my school.(在我的学校里有24个教室。)

i h**e a big family.(我有一个大家庭。)

2. what’s the matter? (怎么了?)

i feel tired. (我感觉很累。)

许多)修饰可数名词。 much(许多)修饰不可数名词。


3. 4. a. classroom

b. tv单项选择。

)1. there___many computers in the room.

a. amb. isc. are

)2. this is___egg.

a. ab.


)1. how many classrooms are there in your school? a. i’m tired.

) the matter, joe? b. yes, there is.

) there a library in your school? c. no, we can’t.

) we play basketball in the classroom? d. we can read and write in it.

( )can we do in the classroon? e. there are twenty.


is a library inwe) school.

is theteacher) office.

选词填空。are is am

1. there___many classrooms in our school.

2. this___a dog.

3. i __a pupil.

4. he __in the library.

5. i___ten years old.

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