
发布 2020-09-28 22:19:28 阅读 7149


一、 听一听,圈一圈。根据录音内容,找出符合录音内容的**,并将其编号用圆圈圈起来。10分。




) 1. on the first floor. like the canteen.

good.a. yes, it isn’t. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is.

a. a fan. b. are boards.

c. no, they are computers.

) 4. ,i do. ,i don’t. i do.

) 5. a. garden b. playground c. music room


1. is this ayes, it is.

. we h**e class andclass.

. our blueand your greenare cool.

4. whatis it? it’so’clock.

5. theis on the



) 1. where is the___it’s on the first floor.

a. canteen c. play ground

2. is this ayes , it is. [

a. baord b. wallc. teacher’desk

) 3. it’s 7:10. it’s time to __

up b. go home c. go to school

) 4. we h**e a newroom.

a. computer b. art c. music

( )5. what time is it? it’s __

a. 7:08b. 7:15c. 7:50

笔试部分。八、 看图读句子,填上单词把句子补充完整。10分。

1. it’s 9:20. amy has an class.

2. it’s 8:15. amy has a class.

3. it’s 11:05. amy has a class.

4. it’s 1:35. amy has a class.

5. it’s 10:10. amy has a class.


1. what time is it?

2. is this ayes , it is. [

is athat is a

like this


amy: hi! tom. i h**e a new classroom.

tom: really? let’s go and h**e a look. wow! it’s big and nice.

amy: look! a new black board, four fans and six lights.

tom: there is a new computer on the teacher’s desk. how many students are there in your class?

amy: twenty.

tom: great! where is your seat?

amy: it’s near the door.

has a new

a: clsssroom b:computer room

classroom is big and

a: niceb:small

the classroom,there are

a: five fans b:six lights

4. there ison the teacher’s desk

a: a new black boardb:a new computer

arein amy’s class.

a: twenty b:twelve


听力部分。一 听一听,圈一圈。根据录音内容,找出符合录音内容的 并将其编号用圆圈圈起来。分。二 听一听,辩一辩。根据录音内容,判断对错,用 和 表示。分。三 听一听,排一排。根据录音内容,用阿拉伯数字给 排序。分。四 听一听,找一找。根据你在录音中听到的问题,找出合适的答语。10分。1.on the...


听力部分。一 听一听,圈一圈。根据录音内容,找出符合录音内容的 并将其编号用圆圈圈起来。分。二 听一听,辩一辩。根据录音内容,判断对错,用 和 表示。分。三 听一听,排一排。根据录音内容,用阿拉伯数字给 排序。分。四 听一听,找一找。根据你在录音中听到的问题,找出合适的答语。10分。1.on the...


柘沟小学四年级下册英语过关试题。姓名 学号 成绩 一 写单词。一楼二楼教师办公室图书馆。操场计算机房美术教室next to 早餐英语课午饭 课体育课。正餐起床去上学回家 睡觉。表示整点女孩 小鸟 汉堡 水 老虎 姐妹 2 根据要求补全句子并且翻译句子。1 where s the美术教室。the fi...