
发布 2020-09-18 21:28:28 阅读 5978





操场计算机房美术教室next to






1、where’s the美术教室。

the first floor

2、__this the图书馆。

yes3is it

五点了。4students are there in your class?你们班级有多少学生?

5、is it next to classroom 3? no

6h**e a计算机房)yesno


1、 go to theread a book

2、 go to thesay hello.

3、 go to theplay football

4、 go to thewater the flowers

5、 jump and run ——6、read and write ——

7、sing snd dance———8、school is over


) this the art room? _it is. it is. it isn’t.

)2. the library is on the __floor.

( )3、it’s timego to school.

a、to b、 of c、for

)4. it’s time __dinner.

) many __are there in your school?

)6.__way, please. a. this c. this is

) our school!

) draw pictures in the __room room

) can read books in room

)10.__you h**e a library? a、do b、can c、are

)13、where is the teachers’ office? it`s __the first floor. a、on b、at c、in

)15、welcome to __school .this way,please. a、your b、me c、our

)16、is that the library? —yes, _a、it is b、it is c、is it

)21、where is the __office? a、teacher`s b、student c、teachers


1、( let’s go the librarya、yes, i do.

2、( where is the teachers’ officeb、no, it isn`t.

3、( do you h**e lunch at schoolc、 forty-six.

4、( how many desks are there in your class? d、ok.

5、( is that your pencile、it’s on the first floor.


mr. li1)this is the teacher’s office. that is my classroom.

visitor a2)

mr. li: thirty-nine.

visitor b3)

mr. li: yes.

visitor a4)

mr. li: yes! the canteen is on the first floor5)

a: this way, please.

b: do you h**e lunch at school?

c: welcome to our school!

d: do you h**e a library?

e: how many students are there in your class?


1、it’sit’s time to go to

2、what time is it

3、it’sit’s time forclass.

4、is this a tv room

5、what time is it


mary’s day

i get up at h**e breakfast at 7:00, then i go to school. i get to school at 7:

40. i begin my classes at 8:30.

i h**e four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. i h**e lunch in the canteen at 11:30.

i go home at 4:30 after school, i play football on the playground. so i get home at about 5:

00. in the evening, i read books and go to bed at 9:00.

( )goes to school at 7:30.

( )has lunch at school.

( )goes home at 3:30.

( )often reads books in the morning.

( )goes to bed at 9:30.


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