
发布 2020-09-25 08:35:28 阅读 5404


听力部分:一,听录音,标出朗读的顺序 10%

a 组。b 组。


1. a. bedroom b. living room c. kitchen

2. a. armchair b. chairc. home

3. a. chinese b. pec. english

4. a. cups and mugsb. mugs and cups

5. a. breakfast b. lunchc. dinner

6. a. thirteen b. thirtyc. three

)7. a. cake b, cokec, beef


)1. a. how many boys are there in your class?

b. how many girls are there in your class?

2. a. it’s time to get up.

b. it’s time to go home.

3. a. it’s. time to h**e class.

b. it’s time for english class.

4. a. let’s play a counting game.

b. let’s play a painting game.

5. a. i like pizza. b. i like french fries.


1. a. i’d love tob. thank you.

2. a. fortyb. fifty.

3. a. there is a new tvb. there is a new bed.

4. a. clean the table and chairs.

b, let’s h**e breakfast5. a. it’s seven o’clock.

b, i h**e dinner at seven.

)6. a, chineseb, i like chinese.

) 7. a, we h**e rice and pork. b, i’m hungry.

) 8. a, there are six. b, we h**e six.

) 9. a, i like chinese. b, yes, i like chinese.

) 10. a, we h**e twenty. b, there are twenty.

五,听录音,补全句子 10%

1,this is aand a new

2, i likeand

3, there are fiveand three

4, i h**emugs andcups.

5, do you likeandyes, i do.

笔试部分。一、 按照正确的格式抄写句子。

1. where are you from 2. there is a new sofa

3. what’s the time4. how many classes are there


1, this is my eraser

2, i like pork

3, we like science

4, there are balloons

三、填入合适的词, 要细心观察:10%

1. there is a new___课桌)and a new椅子).

2. wow! there are some汉堡包)。

3. there are fifty学生 ) in my class.

4. i like语文 ) and英语 )

5. i like鸡蛋 ) and牛奶 )

6. cover the电脑)first and clean the window with me.

7. i like米饭)and鸡肉)


1. what’s the time?

2. what’s 21 and 32?

3. where are you from?

4. what’s in the bedroom?

5. what’s this in english?

b1. what can i do for you?

i h**e a look at the kitchen?

3. what’s the first class?



1. a: what’s this in english? b: it’s___

a. tomatob. a tomato

2. a: let’s play a game. b:__

a. okb. it’s green.

3. it’s time___bed.

a. tob. for

4. athe weather today? b: it’s cold.

a. what’sb. how’s

5. a monkey __big eyes.

a. h**eb. has


1. the, is, there, a, in, tv, living room

there is __tvliving room.

2. like, we, englishenglish.

3. to, let’s, school, go, together(.)

___go __school together.

4. bed, on, a, girl, is, there, the(.)

___is a girlbed.


1. 你的好朋友来你的新房子,你这样说:

a. welcome to my new house.

b. oh, this is my new house.

2. 当你让lucy 和你一起做家务时,你说:

a. help me do my housework.

b. lucy, can you do some housework with me?

3. 爸爸送你生日礼物, 你这样说:

a. this is my gift.

b. thank you, dad!

4. 同学邀请你,你愿意去,说:

a. i’d love tob. thank you.

5. 当你想让nancy去清洁饭桌时,你说:

a. nancy, can you clean the desk?

b. nancy, can you clean the table?

a. he is my good friend.


) mum, what else can i do for you?

) please hang the clock and picture on the wall.

).what can i do for you?

).all right.

)cover the computer first and then clean the windows with me.


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