四年级练习题 上

发布 2020-09-24 21:15:28 阅读 5056


1. farmerpostmangradecucumber green pepper

邮递员农民黄瓜年级青椒 reportercanada


二、根据中文提示,用适当的词填空。(共10分,每空1分)1. this is my爸爸). he’s a __老师).2哪一个) class are you in ?

___在one, grade四年一班).4. it’s an___苹果).

the time? it’s7:20 ).号码)?





四、根据左右句子的内容,选出相应答语。(共20分,每题2分)()1. nice to meet 7:20 .

) nice to meet you , too()3. what time is it?c.

it’sa pineapple.()your number?d.

i’m number six.()5. do you like carrots?

e. yes, i do.

) are you from?f. i’m from singapore.

()does your father do?g. it’s twenty.

()ten and ten? a policeman.()morning, good morning, mr zhang.

()this boy? my brother.五、选词填空。

(共10分,每空2分)1. she is fromchinese/ china). to play) a game.

3. thirteen and seven istwelve/ twenty).4.

i likebananas/banana).5. li yan hasthreeteen/thirteen) dolls.



)1is my new theseb. thisc. this() 2.

welcome __our home ! a. to b.

on c. at( )3. i’m froma.

england b. english c. chinese( )4.

this is my fathera teacher. a. this’s b.

she’s c. he’s( )5.—this is my uncle.


beautiful. b. he’s he’s cold.

( 6. can i __some fruit ? a.

h**e b. has c. am( )7.

i __number am b. is c. are( )8.

what’snumber ?a. yours b.

youc. your( )9. nice toyou.

a. meetb. look c.

meat( )10. i’m froma. english b.

america c. china( )11is this girl ? a.

who’sb. where c. who( )12.

wegood friends. a. am b.

isc. are

) 13does your father do ? a. whereb.

what c. what’s( )14. where are youa.

at b. inc. from( )15.

how __you ? a. and b.

about c. is( )16. which class are youa.

in b. at c. on八、选出不同类的单词。

(共4分,每题1分)( 1. a. english b.

chinese c. china( )2. a.

england b. english c. china( )3.

a. brother b. sister c.


) 4. a. friend b.

driver c. farmer九、连词成句。(共5分,每题1分)1.

is/my/new/friend/this2. are/where/from/you/?

is/the/time /


) 1.你想知道凯特在哪个年级,你该这样问她:

a. which class are you in ?b. which grade are you in ?(2.你想和同学一起去看望刘老师,你会这样说:

a. this is miss let’s go to see miss liu.()3.当别人对你说“nice to meet you”时,你该回答:

a. i’m glad to meet you.()4.你想知道别人的号码,你会这样说:

a. what’s your number ?b. what’s the time ?(5.你想知道peter的身体如何,你应该这样问:

a. how old are you ?b. how are you ?


1.计算 2.如果25 口 3 15 5 2005,那么口。3 教室里的彩灯按照5盏红灯,4盏蓝灯,3盏黄灯的顺序循环出现,则第80盏是 色的,前160盏中有 红灯。4.下面的算式是按一定规律排列的,那么第100个算式的得数是多少?5.某工厂为了表扬好人好事核实一件事,厂方找了a,b,c,d四人。a...


1,找规律填数。2.如果25 口 3 15 5 2005,那么口。3 教室里的彩灯按照5盏红灯,4盏蓝灯,3盏黄灯的顺序循环出现,则第80盏是 色的,前160盏中有 红灯。4.下面的算式是按一定规律排列的,那么第100个算式的得数是多少?5.在下面的里填上合适的数。6.在内填上合适的数字,使算式成立...


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