
发布 2020-09-22 01:28:28 阅读 6360


class___name __nomark __

听力部分 40分。

一、 选出听到的单词,并把编号填入前面的括号内: 10分。

二、 根据听到的内容,把下列家庭成员填入家谱:5分。

lisa susan linda danny john


helen三、 选出听到句子的应答句,并把编号填入前面的括号内。10分。

四、 判断下列句子是否是听到的句子的应答句,正确的用t表示,不正确的用f表示。5分。

1. (twenty.

2. (the kitchen.

3. (he’s a pilot.

4. (she is washing the dishes.

5. (she can paint and sing.

五、 听短文,选择符合短文内容的句子,并把编号填入括号内:5分。

六、 听短文,作判断,正确的用t表示,不正确的用f表示。 5分。

1. (today is saturday. the lius are in the park.

2. (mr liu is eating sandwiches with his wife, mrs liu.

3. (peter is playing near the river.

4. (their daughter(女儿), ginger is playing with the butterfly.

5. (they are h**ing a picnic. they are happy.

笔试部分 60分。

一、 抄写句子,注意大小写及标点:5分。

how many children in class four h**e rabbits five

二、 按要求写单词:10分。

三、 选词填空,不得重复:10分。

singer student pilot policeman

1. the thief is afraid of him. he's a

2. he can fly an aeroplane. he's a

3. i like thisi like listening to his beautiful songs.

4. we'rewe're going to school now.

draw do dry wash watch read write(注意动词的适当形式)

5. is your brothera picture? no, he'sa letter.

6. mum, can itelevision? nothis book first.

7. your hands are wet. pleasethem. thenyour homework quickly.

四、 选择填空,并把编号填入括号内:10分。

1are those toy bears? 25 yuan each.

2. (the supergirl cana horse and __an aeroplane.

3. (my pet is tallname is ben.

4. (the dog __run fast. but it __swim.

5. (i can see __moon.

6. (one child __a fish as a pet in my class.

7. (where is jane? sheher toys in the bathroom

8. (are you and winnie good friends? yes

9. (mogdigging a hole now.

10. (the wasp is a / an

五、 根据实际回答问题。10分。

1. what can the mouse do?

2. what are you doing?

3. what’s your deskmate’s name?

4. how much is your f**ourite book?

5. what does your aunt do?

六、 阅读对话,选择框内句子填空。


班级姓名成绩。一 填空。20分 1.1里面有 个0.01,1.5里面有 个0.1。个0.5是10。63个0.01是 2.不改变数的大小,把0.8改写成三位小数是 3.0.32的计数单位是 它有 个这样的计数单位。4.把17.09的小数点先向右移动两位,再向左移动三位,结果是。5.一个等腰三角形的两条...


牛津英语 四年级第二学期 共106词 第11课 共8词 1 brush br n.刷子,毛笔2 felt pen felt pen n.毡头笔,水笔3 paint peint n.涂料,颜料4 sleep sli p v.睡觉5 these i z pron.这些6 thick ik adj.厚的,...


四年级英语第二学期分项练习 根据中文完成句子 1 we h e英语 on tuesday.2 it is周三 today.3 i t is my f ourite学科 4shall we talk用英语 5 look at my新数学书 6 there are seven days在一周里 7 ho...