新概念英语第一册1 20Review

发布 2020-09-15 00:51:28 阅读 2799


1. excuse me!不好意思。用于引起别人注意,“打扰了”

2.—is this your handbag?这是你的手提包吗?

—yes, it is.是的,这是我的手提包。—no, it isn't.


3.—how are you today?你今天觉得如何?(身体)—i'm fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢。

4. how do you do?初次见面,正式打招呼。

“您好”5.—nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。

—nice to meet you, too.我也是。

6.—what's your job?你的职业是什么?

i am an english teacher.我是一名英语教师。

7.—what colour is your dress?你的裙子是什么颜色的?

—my dress is blue.我的裙子是蓝色的。8.

—are you french?你是法国人吗?—yes, i am.

是的,我是法国人。—no, i am not.不,我不是。

9.—what nationality are you?你是什么国籍的?

—i am french.我是法国人。—i am american.

我是美国人。10.—which one?


the red one.红色的那一个。11.

—which ones?哪些?—the red ones.

红色的那些。12.—where is it?

它在**?—it's on the desk.它在书桌上。

13.—where are they?他们在**?

—they're in the kitchen.他们在厨房。

what's the weather like today?今天天气如何?—it's fine.天气很好。

15. what's he / she / it doing?他/她/它在做什么?16.—what are they doing?他们在做什么?

they are doing their homework.他们正在做作业。17.

—what are you going to do?你准备去做什么?—i'm going to sleep.






the moon:月亮the sun:太阳the earth:地球 ah! your dress is pretty!啊!你的裙子很漂亮!

thank you. i like the dress, too.谢谢,我也喜欢这条裙子。

双方都清楚不定冠词:a / an名词若是以元音音素开头,用an不定冠词指代不明确,不特指。泛指。

an applean hour字母h不发音,元音音素开头 a boya girla teachera student2.名词的单数复数(复数形式发音)

2.1s / es一般情况下:加s(注意发音)pencil→ pencilszbag→ bagsfriend→ friendscase→ cases名词以s结尾的,变成复数加es

2.2如果名词是以f / fe结尾,变成复数时,一般要把-f或者-fe变成-v,再加 housewivesknife→ knives2.3不规则man→ menwoman→ women

milkman → milkmenpolicewoman → policewomen注意积累box → boxeswatch → watchesy结尾的名词→将y变为i再加es3.所有格。

tom's schoolbagjean's dress

s加在名字后面,表示后面的事物属于前面一个人,它的作用和形容词性物主代词是一样的。tom's schoolbag = his schoolbagjean's dress = her dress4.代词:

同汉语中代词的概念:我,你,她,他,它4.1不同人称代词主、宾格i love love me.




4.4不定代词one →指代前面提到的一个事物。

a:—give me a book, book? this one?※one = book书本。

a:—give me some glasses, glasses? these glasses?

a:—no, not those. the ones on the shelf.※ones = glasses5.时态。


be +动词现在分词 he is climbing the tree.他正在爬树。she is crying.

她正在哭。we are eating ice creams.我们正在吃冰淇淋。

i am listening to the music.我正在听**。


what are you doing?你正在做什么?

what is he / she / it doing?他/她/它正在做什么?5.2可以用来表示将来的be going to do ..

are you going to do?你准备做什么?

i'm going to sleep.我准备去睡觉了。关键句型:主谓宾&主系表。

主谓宾:i love you.我爱你。主语:i谓语:love→通常由动作来表示宾语:you→动作的承受对象※人称代词需要用宾格主系表。

sophie is french. sophie是法国人。

主语:sophie系动词:通常由be动词担任表语:描述主语情况,状态※be动词(am,is,are)对应人称:i am;you are;he / she / it is



is he a student? are you a teacher?→回答:yes / no特殊疑问句→特殊疑问词"5w1h"

what:提问什么what is your name?when:提问时间。

when is your birthday?where:提问地点where is your father?

why:提问原因why are you crying?who:

提问人物who is your best friend?

how:提问如何,方式how are you?how is everything going?

*5w1h为最常用的特殊疑问词,以后还会学到which、whose等词哦~)1. there be句型:某地有/存在…→就近原则l13:

mrs. smith's kitchen史密斯太太的厨房l14:mrs.

smith's living room史密斯太太的客厅。

there is a refrigerator in the kitchen.厨房里面有一个冰箱。

there are some magazines on the television.电视机上面有几本杂志。

be动词形式:由后面的名词决定there is…:单数可数名词/不可数名词 there is an apple on the table.

桌子上面有一个苹果。there is some milk in the bottle.瓶子里面有一些牛奶。

milk:不可数名词there are…:复数可数名词 there are three apples on the table.


there is a book, two pens and many pencils in theschoolbag.书包里面有一本书,两支钢笔和许多铅笔。

there are four eggs, one apple and two bananas in the refrigerator.冰箱里面有四个鸡蛋,一个苹果和两个香蕉。2.

here …

here you are.

here it is. /here they are.→“给你”“你要的东西在这里”单数:

here you are. /here it is.复数:

here you are./ here they are.

a:—could you give me my english textbook?b:

—yes, of course. here you are. /here it is.

复数:a:—could you give me all these english textbooks?

b:—yes, of course. here you are.

/here they it is. /here they are.:侧重点在东西上here you are.:


i h**e a glass of water?我可以喝杯水吗?—yes. here you are.给你。→强调对象,人。

can i get my pen back, please?我可以拿回我的钢笔吗?—yes, here it is.

给你。→强调被传递的东西3. be going to:

表示计划、安排打算将来做某事 are you going to do?你准备去做什么?—i'm going to sleep.


give me this book.

this book:直接宾语me:间接宾语→give this book to me. to:动作的方向。

祈使句:表示直接的命令,建议,告诫,邀请等。一般省略主语,动词采用原形。lesson 15:what must i do?

open the window and air the these clothes in the the bed.

dust the dressing the floor.

5.情态动词must:表示“不得不…,应该…” i must come back home i must come back home early.我必须早早回家。

i must finish the work today.我今天必须完成工作。

疑问句: what must i do?我必须要做些什么?excuse me & sorry

excuse me:引起注意,打扰一下。

在问路,插话,走开,或表示异议时可用 excuse me, where is the nearest post office?不好意思,请问最近的邮局在**?sorry:


sorry, i'm late. may i come in?this is…& here is…:

这是…this is…:强调后面的事物here is…:强调地点,位置。

this is a book.这是一本书。→不是其他的什么东西。

here is a book.这里(放的)是一本书。→不是别处,是这里how are you? &how do you do?

how are you?:熟人(朋友,同学,同事)见面 are you?—i'm fine. thank you.

how do you do?:第一次见面(正式) do you do?what's your job?

&what do you do?what's your job?:你是做什么工作的?

what do you do?:问工作/职业。

do you do?你是干什么的?—i'm a teacher.

i'm an english teacher.


词汇 1.colour 颜色 color 美 what colour is are what make is 什么车牌?that s a nice dress.it s very smart.多好看的裙子。真漂亮。the colour is too loud.这个颜色太艳了。2.green 1 绿色...


ready a.准备好的,完好的。dinner n.正餐,晚餐。restaurant n.饭馆,餐馆。roast a.烤的。breakfast n.早饭。haircut n.理发。party n.聚会。holiday n.假日。mess n.杂乱,凌乱。pack v.包装,打包,装箱。suitcas...


lesson 51 a pleasant climate 听录音,然后回答问题。does it ever snow in greece?希腊下过雪吗?hans where do you come from?dimitri i come from greece.hans what s the clim...