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新概念英语第一册自学笔记 lessons49-50

课文详注 further notes on the text

1.what about some steak? 来点牛排吗?

句中what可以换成how,用来征求对方看法或意见。请参看lessons 31~32课文详注。

2.to tell(you) the truth, 老实说,说实话。


to tell you the truth, i don't like his new car at all.给你讲实话,我一点儿也不喜欢他的那辆新车。


13th---thirteenth 14th---fourteenth 15th---fifteenth

16th---sixteenth 17th---seventeenth 18th---eighteenth

19th---nineteenth 20th---twentieth 21st---twenty-first




语法 grammar in use


含有or的问句称为选择疑问句。or之前的部分读升调,之后的部分读降调。这种疑问句不能简单地用yes或no 来回答。


beef or lamb? 牛肉还是羔羊肉?


what would you like to drink? 你喜欢喝什么?(无限性选择)

which/what would you prefer, tea or coffee? 茶和咖啡,你喜欢哪一种?(两项选择)

would you like tea, coffee, or milk? 你喜欢茶、咖啡、还是牛奶?(3项选择)

how shall we go, by bus or by train? 我们怎么走?乘公共汽车还是坐火车?

did you go there, or didn't you? 你去了那儿还是没有去?

did you or didn't you go there? 你是去了还是没有去那儿?

2.一般现在时的单数第3人称形式(可参见 lessons 47~48语法部分。)

词汇学习 word study

1.too adv.


i like lamb, too. 我也喜欢小羊肉。

can i come, too? 我也来,行吗?

i, too, h**e been to shanghai. 我也到过上海。

2.either adv. 也,而且(一般用于否定句,位于句末,前面通常有逗号):

he doesn't like the house, and i don't like it, either. 他不喜欢这所房子,我也不喜欢。

if you do not go, i shall not go, either. 如果你不去,那么我也不去。

i h**en't seen the film and my sister hasn't either. 我没有看过那部电影,我妹妹也没看过。

练习答案 key to written exercises

lesson 50

a1 he likes coffee, but i don't.

2 she likes tea, but he doesn't.

3 he is eating some bread, but she isn't.

4 she can type very well, but he can't.

5 they are working hard, but we aren't.

6 he is reading a magazine, but i am not.

b1 yes, he does.

he likes cabbage, but he doesn't want any.

2 yes, he does.

he likes lettuce, but he doesn't want any.

3 yes, i do.

i like peas, but i don't want any.

4 yes, she does.

she likes beans, but she doesn't want any.

5 yes, i do.

i like bananas, but i don't want any.

6 yes, he does.

he likes oranges, but he doesn't want any.

7 yes, he does.

he likes apples, but he doesn't want any.

8 yes, she does.

she likes pears, but she doesn't want any.

9 yes, i do.

i like grapes, but i don't want any.

10 yes, she does.

she likes peaches, but she doesn't want any.

新概念英语第一册自学笔记 lessons51-52

课文详注 further notes on the text

1.where do you come from? 你是哪国人?

问对方是什么地方人。come from表示**或籍贯。也可说:where are you from? 在第7课**现过类似的句子。

2.what's the climate like in your country? 你们国家的气候怎么样?

句中like是介词,不是动词,它的宾语是 what。又如:what's the weather like in spring?

climate指某一地区数年间的天气情况;weather是指某个特定的时间内晴、雨、风、雪变化。对于这类问题的回答可以是 it's very pleasant(很好)或 it rains sometimes(有时下雨)。这里的it均指天气。

3.it's often windy in march. 3月里常常刮风。

表示在某个月份里通常用介词in。类似用in的时间短语课文中还有 in april(在4月),in june(在 6月),in september(在 9月)等等。

often(经常),always(总是,老是),sometimes(有时)都是课文**现的表示非确定频度的副词。这些副词一般用来回答用how often 提问的问题。

语法 grammar in use

what…(be. look, etc.) like?

我们把what…like? 这一句型用于询问事物的状况,例如天气、气候等:

what's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

what's it like today? 今天怎么样?

what's the climate like in your country? 你们国家气候怎么样?


what's your brother like? 你兄弟是个什么样子?

what's your house like? 你的房子是什么样的?

许多形容词可用以回答what…like? 这样的问题,并可根据上下文给以笼统的或确切的信息。例如课文中表示天气或气候的形容词有pleasant(宜人的),windy(有风的),hot(热的),cold(冷的),warm(温暖的)等等。

词汇学习 word study

1.sometimes adv.有时,间或:

it is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气时冷时热。

sometimes he visits his aunt who lives nearby. 他有时会去看望他那住在附近的婶婶。

2.pleasant adj.


the climate in my hometown is always pleasant. 我家乡的气候总是宜人而舒爽。

this study is pleasant to work in. 在这个书房里工作令人感到舒适。


she's such a pleasant girl. 她真是个可爱的姑娘。

andrew seemed very pleasant on the phone. 安德鲁在**里显得很和蔼可亲。

练习答案 key to written exercises

lesson 52

a1 we come from germany, but dimitri comes from greece.

2 i like cold weather, but he likes warm weather.


词汇 1.colour 颜色 color 美 what colour is are what make is 什么车牌?that s a nice dress.it s very smart.多好看的裙子。真漂亮。the colour is too loud.这个颜色太艳了。2.green 1 绿色...


ready a.准备好的,完好的。dinner n.正餐,晚餐。restaurant n.饭馆,餐馆。roast a.烤的。breakfast n.早饭。haircut n.理发。party n.聚会。holiday n.假日。mess n.杂乱,凌乱。pack v.包装,打包,装箱。suitcas...


lesson 51 a pleasant climate 听录音,然后回答问题。does it ever snow in greece?希腊下过雪吗?hans where do you come from?dimitri i come from greece.hans what s the clim...