新概念英语第一册1 10考试题

发布 2020-09-14 23:21:28 阅读 9735

新概念能力班 lesson1—lesson10 测试一。


一、 补全英语单词,并写出汉语意思10分。

1、cl __kr __m2、t __ck __t

3、n __tion __l__ ty4、__per __t __r

5、__ngin __r6、m __ch __nic

7、l __zy8、d __rt

9、h __irdr __ss __r10、m __k

二请写出汉语意思或英文单词 (8分)

1. number

13. nurse

15. son

16. job

二、 写出反义词4 分。



三、 用a、 an填空,不需要的地方不填5

1. gilbert isitalian taxi driver. 2. she is __housewife.

3. i'mchinese4. he'samerican policeman.

5. he ismechania6. robert isengineer.

7. he isnurse8. she'sair hostess.

9. sophie iskeyboard operator. 10. chang-woo is __korean.

四、 填上表示国籍的形容词,并将此国籍的单词译为汉语3 分。

1. lars is a fstudent

2. naoko is a jstudent

3.a mercedes is a gcar

4. wu li is a cstudent

5. a daewoo is a kcar

6. carlo is an istudent


thank you \ sorry \ pardon? \please \ nice to meet you.

hello \ how are you? \goodbye.

1、 当你做错了事,你会说。

2、 你怎么问候朋友。

3、 某人送你一样东西,你怎么表达对他的感谢。

4、 你怎么问候一个人的健康状况。

5、 你没听清楚某件事,你该说什么。

6、 当你要离开某人时,你会对他说。

7、 看到某人很高兴,你会说。

8、 当你想得到某样东西时,你会说。

六、根据情景填空 8分。

larshelenare you today?

helen: hello,'m verythank

youare you?

lars: i'mthanksis steven?


and emma's very __too.

lars: goodbye, toyou.

helento see you

lars七、 请将问句与相应的答语连线5分。

s her is swedish.

make is her is.

nationality is 's very well.

is 's akeyboard operator.

her car a french car is a ford

八语法和词汇:从a b c d中选出正确答案12分。

1、__what time is it?

a. pardon b. excuse me c. thank you d. please

2、“is this your penis this your pen?”

a. sorry b. pardon c. excuse med. please

3、“excuse meis this your handbag?”

a. no c.

4、my coat,__

a. soryy b. pardon me

5、“is this your handbag?”“yes, it is


6、__is this your coat?

a. sorry me c.

7、“is this your dressis this your dress?”

a. beg b. i beg c. pardon d i pardon

8、“is this your handbag

a. no, it is b. yes, it isn`t it is d. no,this is

9、“is this your bookthank you very much.”

a. yes, it is isn`t it is isn`t

10、“here is your handbag

a. you

c. thank you veryd. thank you very much

11、__i am late.

a. excuse me b sorry c. please

12、“thank you very much

a. please b. yes c .thank you at all


1、( good afternoona. good morning!

2、( what’s your nameb. hi, i’m sarah.

3、( helloc. fine, thank you.

4、( byed. great!

5、( let’s go to schoole. nice to meet you, too.

6、( good morningf. my name’s john.

7、( how are youg. see you!

8、( nice to meet youh. good afternoon.


词汇 1.colour 颜色 color 美 what colour is are what make is 什么车牌?that s a nice dress.it s very smart.多好看的裙子。真漂亮。the colour is too loud.这个颜色太艳了。2.green 1 绿色...


ready a.准备好的,完好的。dinner n.正餐,晚餐。restaurant n.饭馆,餐馆。roast a.烤的。breakfast n.早饭。haircut n.理发。party n.聚会。holiday n.假日。mess n.杂乱,凌乱。pack v.包装,打包,装箱。suitcas...


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