
发布 2020-08-25 21:17:28 阅读 1488



1、b f re(在……以前) 2、b g n(开始)

3、afr d(害怕,害怕的) 4、s pper(晚饭)

5、r dy(准备6、b t (咬,咬住)


)1、put ona、害怕……

)2、be afraid of b、醒来到。

)3、old sayingc、必须有。

)4、wake upd、古老的谚语

)5、h**e toe、穿上,戴上。






)1、sheto school at seven every day.

a、go b、goes c、going

)2、 she do morning exercises every morning ?

a、does b、do c、is

)3、tom oftentv at home after supper .

a、look b、watch c、watches

)4、mr brown goesa walk after supper every day.

a、tob、for c、in

)5、sometimes mr brown asks his daughter ann with him.

a、to go b、go c、for go

)6、i’m afraidthe dog.

a、ofb、for c、at


例:he does morning exercises every day.

he doesn’t do morning exercises every day.

does he do morning exercises every day?

yes, he does. /no, he doesn’t.

1、he does his homework after school.

heher home work after school.

he her homework after school?

yes, he .

2、eve watches tv in the evening.

evetv in the evening.

evein the evening?

no, she

3、lele goes to bed at 9:30 .

leleat 9:30.

leleat 9:30?

no, he .


mike and tom are in the same school .they are in the same grade, too. mike has english classes in the morning, but tom has english classes in the afternoon.

mike usually gets up at 6:00. tom often gets up at 6:

30, because his home is near the school. after school they play games. they often play basketball, play football, fly kites and ride bikes.

they can jump, swim and sing, too. they are good students. they love their school.


)1、mike and tom are in the same school.

)2、they h**e english classes in the morning.

)3、they are in the same class.

)4、mike’s home is near the school.

)5、they often play game after school.


)1、are tom and mike classmates?

a、yes, they areb、yes, he is.

c、no, they aren’t. d、no, he isn’t.

)2、――what grade is mike in? -he is in

a、grade 2b、grade 3

c、grade 4d、we don’t know.

)3、who has english classes in the morning?


c、mike and tom d、tom and billy.

)4、after school, they usually

a、play football and ping pong b、play basketball and foot ball

c、fly kites and ride bikesd、b and c


a、 bear b、 apple c frog d、red e、blue f、 banana g、orange h、 fish i、white j、bird


食物类。用a、 an 填空。(5分)

1、__apple 2、 _monkey 3cake

4、__doll 5、 _elephant

从b栏中找出a 栏的答语,将其标号填入题前括号内。(10分)

a 栏b栏。

)1、nice to meet youa、it’s a monkey.

)2、how do you dob、i’m fine .

)3、how are youc 、how do you do? .

)4、are you mr dogd 、nice to meet you,too .

)5、what is thise 、yes, i am



a、 is it a pigb、 is it a lion ?


a、 i can help youb、 thank you .


a、 my name is limingb、 line up .


a、 what is your nameb、 where is my book ?


a、 i’m hungryb、 nice


a、 how are youb、 how do you do ?


a 、 thank youb、 that’s ok .


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