冀教版 六年级英语上册期中测试卷

发布 2020-08-23 07:42:28 阅读 7141

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班级姓名。一。 填入所缺的字母。

bathr m (浴室) cl n(干净的) w sh (洗) t let (厕所)

st ve(火炉) (冀教版)


班级姓名。一。 填入所缺的字母。

bathr m (浴室) cl n(干净的) w sh (洗) t let (厕所)

st ve(火炉) k tchen (厨房umb__lla(雨伞)

w t(湿的sh pe (图形tr___ngle (三角形)


time is ita . five

2. where is itb. it’s rainy.

3. what would you like for breakfastc. it’s twenty degrees.

4. what are you doingd. no,i usually go to

school by bike.

5. do you usually go to school by buse. i’m from china.

6. where are you fromf. yes.

7. do you like canadag .i’m washing the

dirty dishes.

is the weather todayh. i don’t know.

9 .what’s the temperature outsidei. it’s eight o’clock.

10. how many pencilsj. i would like

cereal, please.

三、fill in the blanks.完成句子。(20分)

1. it’s 7:00. time for breakfast. my mum __s breakfast.

2. my hands are __i want to __my hands.

3. this is a towel. _your hands. now your hands are

4. let’s go to the is __ing your eggs on the___

5. the red toothbrush is __this is __toothbrush .

6. you can wash hands in the __

四、choose the best answers.选择最佳答案。(10分)

)1. is this his book? no,it’s___

a. my b. mine c .your

)2. these are __

a. man b. girl c. women

( )3. what you like for breakfast ?

)4. steven __wears dresses.

a. always b. usually c. never

( )5. how many __are there?

a. dress b. dresses c .dish

( )6. let’s put a circle __usually.

( )am going to play __guitar. d./

8. is your father a teacher __a driver?


1. li ming alwayswash) his hands before lunch.

2. this ismy) coat ,that one isyour).

3. this toothbrush ismy).

4. my mother iscook) meat on the stove.

5. we aresit) on the couch.

6. li ming likes towash) his hands.


li ming and jenny always do their(他们的)homework at home. li ming always helps his mother dry the dishes. jenny,steven and danny usually help their mother.

steven usually does (做)his homework at home. steven sometimes walk to school. danny sometimes does his homework at home.

danny always walks(走)to school, but jenny never walks to school. jenny sometimes wears dresses. li ming, steven and danny never wear dresses.



一 为单词选择恰当的汉语意思。10分 1.any a.一点 b.一些 任何 c.任何事情。2.team a.学期 b.队员 c.队。3.game a.游戏 b.大门 c.玩耍。4.he y a.大的 b.多的 c.沉重的。5.catch a.抓住 b.手表 c 看。6.need a.可以 b.需要 ...


冀教版六年级第一学期语文期中测试题。一 读拼音写汉字。10分 zh u r n chu d b y y u h i y n h nb ji o gu ju ji o ji n qi o cu zh r二 用 划去画线字的错误读音。4分 悄然 qi oqi o 模样 m m 追悼 d o di o 苍...

冀教版六年级语文上册 期中测试卷 A卷 01

期中检测卷 a卷 开始计时90分钟 100分 一 基础训练营 34.5分 1 给加点字选择正确读音,打 4.5分 蹿动 cu n cu n 炽热 ch zh 矩形 j j 矗立 ch zh澎湃 p i b i 麻痹 b p 膝盖 x q夹子 ji ji舵手 du tu 2 书法小状元。6分 b lu...