六年级英语上阶段性测试 12月

发布 2020-08-22 08:32:28 阅读 6918





) 1. a. morning b. afternoon c. evening d. week

) 2. a. postcard b. bookstore c. dictionary d. comic book

) 3. a. sing b. playingc. doingd. reading

) 4. a. read b. buyc. visitd. tonight

) 5. a. train b. subway c. planed. stop


1.my uncle is a fhe works at sea.

2. the is very far from china. so he goes there by p___

3. the children don’t like reading story-books. they like reading c

4. if you like sports , you can be a c

5. my brother likes planes. he want to be a p


1. hobby(复数2. see (同音词。

宾格形式4. lives(原形。

5. child(复数6. h**e(第三人称单数。

7. teach(单三第三人称单数。

9. swim(现在分词10. dancing(原形。

四、读一读,选出正确的答案(每题1分,共15分)w w w .x k b o m

) 1. john dancing.

a. likeb. likes c. liking

) 2. —what are you going to

a comic book. x| k |b| 1 . c| o |m

a. bebc. dod. buy

( )3. i like playing pipa , he likes playing football.

a. /theb. thec. the , a

) 4. -how he go to school?

---he often to school by bus.

a. do , goes b. does , go c. does , goes

)5. what __your mother going to do?

a. is b. are c. be

) likesbooks.

a. read b . reads c. reading

( )is going to the park this weekend.

a.不填 b. on c. in新| 课 | 标|第 | 一| 网。

) oliver __english every day?

a. studys b. studies c. study

)9. he likeskites .i like listening __music.

a. make, the b. ****** , to c. ****** , a

)10. her father works in a factory. he is a

a. writer b. fisherman c. worker.

)11. in the evening ,i often tv at home .

a. lookb. read c. watch

)12. the light is red now. please

a. slow down and stop b. stop and wait c. go

)13. let’s a bus go home.

a. takeb. by c. do

)14. there are __traffic lights.

a. twob. threec. four

---you can go by the no. 15 bus. xk om

a. can i go on footb. how can i get to yongming park?

c. where is the yongming park?

五、用所给单词的正确形式填空 (10分)

1. my father is a businessman . he often goes to othercountry).

2. she is going toread) a magazine this afternoon.

3. weclean) our room next sunday.

4. how does she __go) to school.

(go) to the park this afternoon.

6. he canread)english story. x| k | b | 1 . c |o |m

7. my cousin jack is going to visiti)next week.

8. she likes singing. she wants to be asing) .

9. my brother often __go) to work on foot.

10.his sister likessing). she wants to be a singer.

六、按要求完成下列各题。(共10分)http://www. xkb1. com

1. he works at sea. (变为一般疑问句并作出否定回答)

___he___at sea?

___he __

2. my uncle is a fisherman.(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

uncle a fisherman?

is.3. tom works very hard. (改为否定句)

tomvery hard.

4. what does your father do? (回答问题)

a football player.

5. does, where, work, your, aunt (?连词成句)


ab )1. what does your mother doa. yes, she does.

)2. does your pen pal like playing sportsb. you can take the no.2 bus.

)3. how can i get to the cinemac. she is a busineswoman.

)4. where are you going this afternoond. no, he doesn’t.

)5. does sarah go to school on foote. i’m going to the bookstore.



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