自出题 2019六年级上期中英语质量检测题

发布 2020-08-19 08:06:28 阅读 7890



1. sc en e (科学) 2. bo kst re (书店) 3. ci n ma (电影院)

4. h sp tal (医院) 5. cr ss ng (十字路口) 6. s bw y (地铁)

7. tr ff c (交通) 8. sup rm rk t (超市) 9. t n ght (在今。

晚) 10. d ct on ry (字典)


) 1. on the lefta. 直着走。

) 2. turn rightb. 去旅行。

) 3. go straightc. 在左边。

) 4. this weekendd. 看电影。

) 5. take a tripe. 去远足。

) 6. by busf. 这个周末。

) 7. on footg. 乘坐公共汽车。

) 8. slow downh. 步行。

) 9. see a filmi. 向右拐。

) 10. go hikingj. 减速。


1、 what are you going to do这个周末)?

2、 the bookshop is紧挨着) the park..

3、 how can i到那儿).

4、 then向左拐) at the hospital.

5、 now we are在……前面) tian’anmen.

6、 i often go to school乘坐公交车).

7、 you must pay attention to交通灯).

8、 i also like踢足球) and doing kung fu.

9、 tom is going to看电影) tomorrow.

10. john often猜字谜) with his friends.


)1、i often go to school __

a. by bike b. by a bike c. by bikes

( )2、stop at the

a. yellow light b. green light c. red light

( )3、the science museum is near the school __the right.

a. on b. at c. at

( )4、--is there a library near your school?

a. yes, there isn’t b. yes, there is c. no , there is

( )5、what does this sign mean?(这标志是什么意思)

a. turn right ! b. don’t turn right. c. turn left.

( )6、if you want to see a doctor, you can go to the __

a. hospital b. library c. cinema

( )7、turn right __the school, then go __

a. of, straight b. at , straight c. in , straight

)8、how do you go to school ? i often go to school __foot.

a. by b. on c. in

)9、 excuse me, where is the library ? it’s __the cinema.

a. next b. next to c. at


a. excuse me. where is the cinema, please ?

b. excuse me . where is the school, please?

c. excuse me. where is the post office, please?

)11、--what are you going to buy

a. good idea. .b. i’m busy. c. a book.

)12、--where are you going this morning

a. i’m going to buy some comic books.

b. i’m going to the bookstore.

c. i’m going to visit my aunt.

)13、--does your pen pal like swimming

a. yes, he does. b. yes, he doesn’t. c. no, he does.

)14、my fatherto work by bus .

a. go b. going c. goes

)15、--is there a museum in your city

a. yes, it is. b. yes, there is. c. yes, there isn’t.


1、a: where is the bookstore?

b: it’sthe cinema.

2、 a: how do you go to school?

b: usually i go to school

3、 a: how can i get to the library?

b: go straight, then

4、 a: when are you going?

b: i’m going

5、a: what are you going to buy

b: i’m going to buy a


1. to, how, do, go, you, school (?

2. are, going, what, to, this, do, afternoon, you (?

3. the, science, where, is, museum (?

4. to, how, i, can, zhongshan, get, park (?

5. is, next, my, home, to, post, the, office (.


a) ) are you going to do tomorrow?

) 2. is robin a robot?

) 3. how can i get to the bookstore?

) 4. what is his hobbies?

) 5. does mike live in china?

b)a. turn left, and then go straight.

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