牛津中小学英语网六年级英语期中检测 原创

发布 2020-08-19 07:49:28 阅读 4513





)1. a. sleepy b. slowly c. slowd. sleep

)2. a. finally b. firstc. fishd. finish

)3. a. letterb. littlec. litter

)4. a. p**ement b. passage c. parrot

)5. a. flower b. follow c. flew

)6. horsec. mouse

)7. a. never b. everc. every

)8. a. wakeb. walkc. work

)9. letc. wet

)10. a. bitb. hitc. bite



) 1. a. yes, i did. b. i went to the park. c. they made clothes.

) 2. a. i picked some i did my homework.

c. i was at home.

) 3. a. it was great fun. b. yes, it was. c. thank you.

) 4. a. yes, she is. b. she lived in shanghai.

c. he lived in beijing.

) 5. a. new clothes, please. b. i wore a blue t-shirt.

c. they’re beautiful

)6. a. a lot of sweets. b. i lot of meat and cola.

c. a lot of vegetables.


ten years ago, mary was a___girl. shedraw or read. then she went to school.

shea lot of books. she learned a lot. now she can do manyshe can do theon theat the weekends, she likestv andto music.


一、 选出与所给单词画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分)

)3、 c. doctor d. morning

二、 英汉互译。(10分)

1、一些好习惯 some6、get on the bus

2、大声地笑7、put your things in order

3、又干净又整齐___and __8、cross the road safely

4、健康的饮食 a9、cheer for them

5、完成他的作业___his __10、follow the rules


)1. i eat a few noodles

breakfast b. of breakfast c. for breakfast

)2was your holiday ? it was very interesting.

a. what b. howc. why

)3. western people like and for breakfast.

a. bread b. sausagesc. a and b

)4. mr smith swimming every weekends. but he do it last week.

a. goes; didn’t doesn’t c. went; didn’t

)5. _your sister at home yesterday? no, she watched a film with my mother.

a. was b. werec. did

)6. your little sisterwalk now. she is only one year old.

a. canb. can’tc. mustn’t

)7. wang fang is running___in the playground. he likes___

a. fast; run b. fastly; running c. fast; running

)8.- does tom learn english

yes, he often __english books after dinner.

a. good; reads b. well; reads c. well; looks

) my birthday, my friendme an book. i was very___

a. g**e; exciting b. give; excited c. g**e; excited

) hong kong, people drive on theof the road.

a. right side b. between c. left side


1. i can __runfast ) but sherunslow ).

2. do you wantcome) with me?

3. you must stay __on the road. how can you cross the road __safe)

4. what about __gofish) with me?

5. who __teach) us english?

6. my hands are dirty. let me __go) and __wash ) them.

7.—what __your uncle __do) yesterday morning?

he __get ) some fruits.

8. there___be) any cola in the fridge.

9. he __likedrink) water.

10. youmust) runquick) on the road!

五、句子匹配。(10 分)

) 1. why do you look sada. some milk.


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