
发布 2020-08-18 17:30:28 阅读 6396



一、 火眼金睛。(选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,将序号写在前面的括号里。5分)

1. a . today b . tuesday c . yesterday

2. a . week b . january c . july

3. a . call b . hadc. run

) 4. a . cold b . coolc . cloud

) 5. a . always b . never c . some


1 . watch ( 单三2 . wind (形容词。

3 . get( 现在分词4. let’s(完全形式。

5 . ask(反义词6 . are (过去式。

7. swim(过去式8 . good(最高级。

9. him ( 主格10. see(同音词)__

11. where(同音词12. beaches(单数。

13. high( 比较级14. two ( 序数词。

15. thought(原形。


1. jenny wanted __basketball with a ping- pong ball .

a. to plays b. to playing c. to play

) 2. is the first day of the week?

a. monday b. saturday c. sunday

) 3. you’re an english class now

a. h**e. b. has c. h**ing

) 4. summer is coming , your sweater and your t-shirt.

a. put on , take off b. take off, put on c. takes off , puts on

) 5 . tomorrow is saturday . it will very hot .

a. be b . is c. are

) 6. do you eat fruit ? five times a week .

a. how often b. how much c. how many

) 7do i go to the zoo ? by bus.

a. what b. how c. where

) 8. she often her homework .

a. do b. does c. did

( )9. don’tangry .

a . do b. be c .does

( )10. i’ll fly home june 25 .

a. in b . on c. to

11. it’s windy nowthe window , please .

a. close b. open c. closed

12 . how many __a day do you exercise ?

a. minutes b. minute c. miuntes

13. good health __you !

a. to b. for c. at

14. sixty minutes make __hour.

a. a b. an c. the

15breakfast , he brushes his teeth .

a. after b. before c. befour

四、**乐园。20分 )

一 ) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。14分

1. ibuy ) a new book yesterday .

2. look ! linda isfly ) a kite in the park .

3. he oftengo ) home on home .

4. tomorrow ivisit ) my aunt and uncle .

5. my motherh**e ) a beautiful dress .

6. my classroom is on thethree ) floor .

7. mr liteach ) us english last year .


1. yao ming is a basketball运动员 ).

2. exercise helps make their身体) strong and健康的).

3. you will be聪明的 ).

4. trees h**e green叶子 ).

5. next week , i’ll go游泳 ) in the ocean .

五、快乐对对碰( 选择恰当的答语,将标号填入提前的空号内。20分)

( )1. what’s your f**ourite seasona . yes , please .

( )2 . what’s the timeb . we will go to the park .

3 . how often do you play basketball ? c. twice a week .

( )4 . what will you do this weekendd . it’s half past seven .

) 5 . would you like some chickene . summer .

) 6 .how many weeks are there in a month ?f. yes, i did .

) 7 . may i go shoppingg . we went to the lake.

( )8 . what are the children doingh . they are doing eye exercises .

) 9 . what did you do last weeki . no , you may not .

)10 . did you h**e fun todayj . about four weeks .


hi! i'm anna. nice to meet you .

this is my family . today is sunday . the weather is sunny .

we are all at home . my mother is cooking in the kitchen . she is good at cooking .

my father is watching a football match . he is a football fan . he likes playing football very much .

my sister and i are playing chess .my pet dog is sleeping on the floor . how happy we are!


学校 班级 姓名 考号 成绩 一 填空。每空3分共18分 1 一个数的百万位是8,万位是9,千位是5,十位是4,其余各位都是0,这个数省略万位后的尾数约是 万。再添上 个这样的分数单位是最小的质数。3 在边长4厘米的正方形中画一个最大的圆,圆的周长是正方形周长。的 4 用2,3,4,5数字卡片各一张...


2015 2016第二学期六年级数学思维测试题。一 填空题 每题5分 1.计算 2.009 43 20.09 2.9 200.9 0.28 2.规定 如果a大于b,则 a b a b 如果a等于b,则 a b 0 如果a小于b,则 a b b a。根据上述规律计算 4.2 1.3 2.3 5.6 3...


2012 2013学年度第二学期期末测试题。六年级英语试题。时间 50分钟满分100分。注 请写明班级姓名。同学们 时间过得真快,不知不觉一个学期过去了。在这学期里,在学习上,你一定又有了新的进步。下面我们来测试一下你对知识的掌握情况,好吗?part i listening 第一部分听力。共四大题 ...