
发布 2020-08-18 08:44:28 阅读 6283




4. tv5.

二。 根据**,选择正确的单词。(共4小题,计4分)

thin 4.


)1. b. fish

)2. eleven d. ten

)5. a. singer


today. you can wear your shorts.

2. (wait/stop) at a red light.

is he?

eyes arebigger/biger) than yours.

are you? i’m 38 kg.



a. how tall are you? long are you? c. how high are you?


a.how high are you? old are you? he**y are you?


a.how old are you? long are you? c. how tall are you?


a. how many are there in your family?

b. how much is it? c. how are you?

5.--where are you going

bus museum the 4 o’clock

6.--how tall are you?--i’m

a.149 cm tall c.13years old

i speak to miss li ,please

a. can’t on, please. is listening to music.

monkey’s tail is 36

is 12 years

yellow dog isthan the black dog


1. you tall how are (

2. do feel how you?

3. than is taller he his brother (

4. bike is broken my.

5. look so happy you.


school, sad, happy, stronger, in, feel, strong, at, work, do, doing, hurt, hurts, feels, h**e )

today is saturday. aunt li and aunt wu don’t go tothey’rethe park. look, aunt li is tall andbut aunt wu isthan her.

now aunt li issports. she’sbut aunt wu isbecause she can’t __sports today, her armshe is sitting under the tree. shebored.

八看图回答问题。(10分) 12.

1. how does sarah feel?

2. how tall is sue?

3. what’s the matter, mike34.

4. is the boy shorter and thinner than the girl?

5. does mr li feel angry?


nancy is reading an e-mail from her american friend jack. she is very happy to get the e-mail. jack writes about his school and his weekend.

jack’s school is not very big but it’s beautiful. there are two buildings, two gardens and a playground. their classrooms are big and clean.

jack likes his school very much.

jack doesn’t go to school at the weekend. he often gets up at six on saturday and sunday. he runs in the park for half an hour.

then he eats his breakfast. at eight, he begins to do his homework.. he has lunch with his family at home.

in the afternoon, he helps his mother do housework. sometimes he plays computer games with his classmates on the internet. in the evening, he listens to music or reads books.

he really has a good time at the weekend.


长治市2012 2013学年度小学六年级教学质量抽查检测。英语试题 卷 答题时间60分钟,满分100分 亲爱的同学们,今天学习之舟满载着智慧与收获驶入港湾 明天,学习之舟又将满载着梦想和希望起锚扬帆。相信自己吧,你一定是最棒的!第 卷听力部分 共20分 listen and choose 听录音,选...


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