
发布 2020-08-18 07:17:28 阅读 6852



一、 选出划线部分读音与其它两个不同的选项填空。(5分)

( )5、 c、lunch

二、读一读,选出与画线单词同类的一项。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)

) 1. flying kites is so like it.

a. or b. ask c. he**y

) 2. wait a minute. i will be back soon.

a. hour b. before c. often

) 3. they swam in the sea last summer.

a. early b. all c. found

) 4. it’s taller than both of us together.

a. his b. my c. me

) 5. can you tell me a story?

a. get b. party c. every

三、读一读,选出合适的单词写在横线上。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)

cold bought he**y flying washed

elephant is

happened to you? b: i had a

3. imy clothes last weekend.

4. my fathera new bike for me.

5. our teacher isa kite now.

四、单项选择。(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)

) 1. he didn’tto school.

a. come b. comes c. coming

) 2. they __tv last night.

a. watch b. watching c. watched

) 3. look at the traffic lights. it is red now. you should

a. stop b. run c. go

) 4. let’s go .

a. swimming b. swim c. swiming

) 5. it’s a __fly a kite.

a. windy b. wind c. rain

) 6. can you teach me

a. swim b. to swim c. to swimming

) 7. samhe could stand on the ice, but he couldn’t.

a. thinks b. thinking c. thought

) 8helps make your body healthy and strong.

a. exercise b. do exercise c. play exercise

) 9. there are sixtyinhour.

a. days; a b. minutes; an c. minutes; a

) 10. first, always h**e your breakfasteat more vegetables.

a. often b. next


1、walks,bob,school,every day,to.



4、are,you,good,for,vegetables and fruit


六、选择正确的句子补全对话。(只填序号)(每小题 3 分,共 15 分)

a: hello, jack. 1

b: hi, mr. johnson. i brush my teeth twice a day.

a: 2b: after breakfast and after dinner.

a: okay. 3

b: i always h**e breakfast.

a: good. 4

b: about 35 minutes a day.

a: you need to do more exercise.

b: okay.

a: 5b: yes. i usually clean the rooms and wash the dishes.

a: good boy!

a. do you often help your parents?

b. when do you brush your teeth?

c. how often do you brush your teeth?

d. how many minutes do you do exercise?

e. how often do you h**e breakfast?

七、阅读理解。根据短文选择正确的一项。(每小题 3 分,共 15 分)

do you know about xiong’an? it'’s a new city near baoding. there is a big lake inxiong'an.

yes, it is baiyangdian lake. it is very big. in summer, you will see many beautiful lotus flowers in the lake.

some are are pink. many people like them.

there will be many boatson the lake. and there will be many birds singing in the is beautiful and new. you can come here by bus from baoding.

and you can come

here by will play in the water with your friends. you will eat delicious fish. you will take many wonderful will h**e a nice trip in xiong’an.

) 1. where is xiong’an?

a. it’s a new city. b. it’s near baoding. c. it has a big lake.

) 2. lotus flowers should be __the lake.

) 3. we can seeon baiyangdian lake.

a. a new city b. some buses and birds c. many flowers and boats

) 4. you can’tin xiong’an.

a. eat delicious fish b. play in the water c. get many birds

) 5. you can’t go to xiong’an by___

a. plane b. bus c. train

八、写作训练。(10 分)


可以参考词汇:family,friends,cousins,play sports,go on a trip,visit.

要求:1. 题目自拟,不少于 40个单词。

2. 语句正确、通顺,书写工整。


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