
发布 2020-08-17 11:45:28 阅读 9460

一、 考试范围。

六年级下册教材内容占50%, 六年级三年级上册至六年级上册内容占50%。

二、 考试题型。


三、 考试内容。

一) 话题 (15个)


二) 字母。

1、 了解字母表的顺序;

2、 能默写26个字母的大小写;

三) 四会词汇。


arm, bag, bird, book, boy, cat, dog, duck, ear, eye, foot, girl, good, hand, hen, leg, man, nose, pig, ruler, banana, cap, blue, bowl, bus, clock, coat, dress, plane, green, noodle, orange, pear, pink, rainy, red, ship, shirt, yellow, shorts


bed, are, big, boat, bread, brother, mother, father, mother, sister, small, swim, table, tiger, elephant, monkey, scarf, hat, left, right, throw, fly, america, autumn, china, come, cook, dance, foot, go, leg, make, monday, shoe, sleep, sock, spring, summer, sunday, sweep, today, winter, write, work, new, busy, piano, music, finger, knee, behind, our, their


angry, biscuit, borrow, breakfast, cheap, children, chinese, cinema, class, clothes, english, get up, go to bed, h**e, her, him, home, hungry, i, like, long, lunch, math, me, music, my, short, shop, supper, teacher, that, they, thick, thin, tired, tomorrow, water, you, your, above, ask, beside, first, hers, his, lamp, may, mine, month, near, ours, outside, picture, sixth, sports, street, sugar, take, tea, tree, where, year, yours, yesterday, zoo, park, rabbit, sad, please


cry, family, late, them, library, grape, tea, room, doctor, little, tall, he**y, light, bull, ugly, foolish, garden, film, christmas, present, open, bike, computer, clever, pick, kid, learn, sell, dictionary, useful, earth, land, sky, interested, more, fewer, near, better,most, least, will, won’t, stay, hate, movie, beef, soap, these

四) 句型。


1. 打招呼、问候。

hello, nice to meet you. hello, nice to meet you too!

2. 询问对方姓名。

what is your name? my name is chen ling.

3. 确定身份。

are you lingling? yes, i am. /no, i’m not.

who’s he? he is peter.

4. 介绍。

this is my brother.

5. 询问职业。

what’s he/she? he/ she is a teacher.

6. 确定职业。

is he a teacher? yes, he is. no, he isn’t.

7. 确认物品。

what’s this? this is a ruler. it’s a ruler.

8. 认知身体部位。

touch your head.

9. 认知动物名称。

you are a lion.

10. 问候。

how are you? i’m fine, thank you.

11. 询问号码。

what’s your number? my number is seven.

12. 询问年龄。

how old are you? i am six.

13. 询问时间。

what’s the time? it’s seven o’clock.

14. 讨论数量。

how many pens are there? thirteen pens.

15. 谈论颜色。

what colour is this balloon? it’s red.

16. 谈论食物。

this isn’t my food. it’s your food.

17. 谈论水果。

is this a mango? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.

18. 谈论天气。

i like a sunny day.

19. 谈论交通工具。

how do you go to schoo.? i come to school by bus.

20. 谈论形状。

what shape is this? it’s a circle.

21. 谈论喜好。

i like it. i don’t like it.


1. 简单的交际语。

good morning! nice to meet you. nice to meet you too. how are you? i’m fine, thanks.

2. 询问这或那是什么。

what’s this/ that? it’s a flag.

3. 询问这些或那些是什么。

what are those? what are these? those/ these are…

4. 能描述一些动物的基本特征。

look at the tiger. it’s strong.

5. 询问对食物的喜好。

what do you like? i like…

6. 谈论职业。

what are we? we are soldiers.

7. 谈论东西的属性。

whose is this? is this your purse? yes/no…

8. 谈论东西的位置。

where is the cat? it’s under the table.

9. 谈论某人能干什么。

what can you do? i can run fast.

10. 谈论数量。

how many ********s are there? there are three ********s.

11. 谈论正在发生的事情。

peter is writing.

12. 谈论某人正要去哪儿。

where are you going? he/ she is skipping.

13. 某一天的心情。

i am happy.

14. 关于季节的简单描述。

i like spring. spring is warm and nice.

15. 来自哪儿。

where are you from? i’m from china.

16. 价钱。

how much is the apple? it’s two yuan.

17. 拥有什么东西。

i h**e a puppet.

18. 论某人有什么东西。

do you h**e a ticket? yes, i h**e. /no, i h**en’t.


1. 谈论他人的需求或喜好。

what do you want? yes, please. /no, thanks.

2. 向别人借东西。

excuse me. can i borrow…?

yes. here you are.

thank you./you’re welcome.

3. 征询他人的意见。

can i h**e…? yes, you can. /no, you can’t.

4. 谈论个人爱好。

whtat hobbies do you h**e? i like doing…

5. 谈论作息时间。

what time do you…

6. 表述人物活动。

my mother makes the bed.

7. 谈论各种标志的含义。

what does that sign mean? it means…

8. 表达人物的情绪。

the boy feels sorrry.

9. 表达方位介词。

draw a cat on the roof.

10. 祈使句的用法。

don’t put your feet on the seat.

11. there be 句型的用法。

there is a policeman near the post office.

is there…? yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.

12. 谈论过去所进行的活动。

where were you? where did you go?..

13. 谈论顺序。

who was first?..

14. 谈论他人的生日。

when is your birthday?

15. 形容词性和名词性物主代词的用法。

that’s not mine.


1. 谈论正在发生的事情。

the children are playing in the park.

2. 谈论经常发生的事情和存在的状态。

we usually h**e lunch at 12:00.

3. 表达邀请。

let’s go to the library.

4. 介绍节日。

it’s mid-autumn festival.

5. 描述状态。

you are talking loudly.

6. 谈论身高\体重。

how tall are you? i’m 150 centimetres tall.

how he**y are you? i’m 32 kilogrammes.

7. 谈论长度。

how long is your arm? it’s… centimetres.

8. 谈论年龄。

how old are you? i’m seven years old/ i’m seven.

9. 对程度的描述。

these horns are too big.

10. 谈论身体状况。

what’s the matter with you? i’m always tired.

11. 谈论能否干某件事。

can you lift this box? no, i can’t. it’s too he**y.


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