
发布 2020-08-17 09:45:28 阅读 7949




一. 选出你听到的字母。数字。单词或词组。(5分)

) 2. a.4591424b.4951244 c.5419424

) 4. a look like at

) 5. a headache sike the flu


)usually i clean my room. i often hiking ,too.

)let’s go hiking together next sunday.

)what do you do on the weekend?


)i often play football. sometimes i go hiking. what about you?


) i i do. i can.

) on the desk. fine. 7:00.

) my friend. my friend. my friends.

) they aren’t. they don’t. they were.

) thank you. you all the same. about you?


) classroom’s wall is

a . redb. white

) is from

a. chinab. american

) is than amy.

a .tallerb. thinner

) father is a

a. ) is

a. sunnyb. cloudy


一。 按要求写出下列各词。(10分)

1. i名词性物主代词) 复数)


同音词) 名词)

过去时 not缩写)

反义词10. eat过去时)


ababout 50 kg.

you h**e a good doesn’t.

he**y are about you ?

jack go to school by on,please.

i speak to amy, did.


)1there any birds in the tree?

a . am

) time h**e lunch.

) mike cat?

)4go home.

are ) mather will go shopping me.

) isday.

)7.--may i borrow you bike?

is. at all.

) wrong you?

) left beijingmonday.

)10do you go to work?

by bus.


1. she has a knife.(改为复数句)

played chess last weekend.(改为一般疑问句)

coat is black.(对画线部分提问)

likes eating apples.(改为否定句)

is cleaning room now.(对画线部分提问)


athis is a picture of my school. there is a tall buiding in the middle of the picture. there is a big playground in front of the buiding.

there are many trees and flowers near the playground. the trees are gree. the flowers are red and yellow.

and there are many boys and girls on the playground. they are playing games.

there is house near the buiding, it’s my school library. and our department(公寓)is next to it.

i like our school very much.


) students are playing game in classroom.

) is a picture of my school.

) are many flowers and trees in my school.


2011年下学期期末考试六年级英语测试题 时量 40分钟满分 100分。第一部分听力 30分 i.选择。在每题中选择与录音相同的选项,并将其代号填入题前括号内。10分 b.b.horn 5.pick b.picnic 判断。在与录音意思相符的句子前括号内打 错误的打 10分 1.the bus is...


2007年六年级摸底考试语文试卷。一 集中注意力,仔细听老师读一段话,完成练习。看看你的听力怎样?3分 听清了么,这段话在向我们介绍一幅绘画作品。它的名称是这副作品的作者是 朝的作品主要表现的是 时期 的风俗市情。二 积累运用 38分 1 看拼音写词语。5分 f i cu gu f j ng zh ...


学校姓名考号。一 看拼音 写词语。l ngy ch uy ch chu ng c nb o ji nw izh zh 二 成语练习。1 补充成语,再分类写下来。喜笑 开死得其 重于 山 面黄肌 气宇 昂。2 填上合适的成语 不重复 明明是个爱学习的孩子,课堂上他总是地听讲地盯着黑板,对于老师提出的问...