12 13上学期六年级期中试卷

发布 2020-08-13 20:42:28 阅读 7508




一盒纸巾溜冰 60 自行车河马。



)1. a. cup b. color c. kite

)2. a. can b. candy c. windy

)3. a. pair c. hair

)4. a. bar b. bag c. box

) give b. gate c. get

)6. a. 40 b. 50 c. 60

)7. b. tree c. train

)8. a. sock b. short c. clock

)9. a. buy c. bottle

)10. c. chicken


) bought a bottle of shampoo yesterday.

) pair of socks was cheap.

) eats fish about once a week.

) like fishing.

) never takes a taxi to school.

) go to the store and get a box of tissues.

)7. an elephant is smaller than a hippo.

) plays football about twice a week.

) is reading about fishing.

) hat is 60 dollars.



) is going to send a letter to

a . her mother b. her friend sister

) never take theto school.

a .bus

) boughtat the shopping mall.

a .a pair of socks pair of shoes bottle of shampoo

)4. lingling goes dancing___

a .four times a week b. twice a month a year

) cookies are

a .14 dollars b.40 dollars c.80 dollars


1. itake theto school.

2. jenny bought aofyesterday.

3. howdo you goonce a month.

4. how much is theit’syuan..

5. which isa __or a rabbit?

笔试部分 (50%)


)1. _did you bring? i brought some cookies.

c. how

)2. did you __a bar of soap at the store yesterday?

a. buy b. bought c. got

)3. let’s look __some insects.

a. on b. to c. for

)4. kobe (科比) is good at __basketball.

a. playing b. play c. played

)5. tony __tv last night.

a. watching b. watched c. watch

)6do you play badminton? once a week.

a. how much c. how often

)7. he never __the car to work.

a. take b. takes c. taking

) you eat in class? no

a . i did b. i do c. i didn’t

) is bigger, an antan elephant?

a. or

) brother get to school?

a.. do b. does c. is



1you reading ?

2did you go to work? i take the subway

3are these apples

4. _does sally go hiking? very often.

5is faster , a train or a bike?.


1. be, must, you, good, swimming, at (.连词成句)

2 .roll, toilet,a , bought,i, *****,of (.连词成句)

to, piece ,candy,a, of,going (.连词成句)

4 . two boxes of tissues are ﹩30 .(对划线部分提问)

5 .peter goes fishing about once a week. (对划线部分提问)


pair of袜子) is九十) yuan.

2. did you buy aof一盒纸巾)?

3. lisa loves go游泳).

4. did you __骑) a bike yesterday?

you buy a bag of chips at the store?.

6. i go ice-skating about three times a month.



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