
发布 2020-08-12 05:51:28 阅读 6662


)--h**e you h**e a clarm clock like this ?

---yes, i

a. do b. does c. h**e d. has

)tony and ben like playing __basketball .any and cara like playing __piano.

a. the, the b. a , c. an, /d. /the

) -can you see the bird in the tree ?

i am watching tv at home .,i can b. no , i can’t c. yes , i do d. no, i don’t

) henry has got __glasses .

a. a b. an c. a pair of lots of

) there __some rice in the bowl .

a. are b. is c. be d. am

) -what’s fifty and forty ?

ninety b. it’s ninty c. they’re ninety d. they’re ninty

) i like eatingi don’t like cooking .

b. but c. or d. so

) i __like this book , what about __that one ?

a. don't , look at b. don't , looking at

c. don't , look d. don't , looking

) please __these cases there .

a. bring b. to bring c. take d. to take

) -your pictures are very nice .

a. thank you b. you are welcome c. that's all right d. you are right .

) please call li ping __254-7403 .

a. in b. at c. to d. of

) -what colour __your new pants ?

blue .

a. is , it's b. are , they're c. is , its d. are , they look

) the man behind the tree __from america .

a. are b. come c. is d. coming

) many children h**e got __food at home .

a. lot of b. a lot of c. a lot d. a lots of

) he doesn't play sports , he only __them __tv.

a. watches , on b. looks , on c. looks at , in d. watches , in

) every day he goes to school __his backpack.

a. in b. at c. of d. with

) i don't like strawberries __carrots.

a. and b. or c. but d. with

) -would you like __orange ?

---no, thank you . i'd like __some oranges.

a. any, to eat b. some, to eat

c. any , eating d. some , eating

do you do your homework ?

---at school.

a. when b. what c. who d. where

) there is __s" and __u" in the word "use".

a. a ,a b. a, an c. an, an d. an, a

) her sister and shefootball every weekend.

a. play b. doesn't play c. plays d. aren't play

) let's __now.

a. go to home b. to go home c. go home d. to go to home


this is a photo of kate , my pen friend, in the usa . 1 is a very nice

girl. and this is a photo of her 2 .

look! the man in the middle 3 kate's father. the woman

is kate's mother. they 4 a son and a daughter. kate is twelve.

jim is ten. jim and kate are in the same school. 5 are good students.

they 6 in the basketball club. kate likes 7 ,too. jim 8 oranges.

but kate 9 . both of them 10 ice cream.

()1. a. she b. she c. her d. he

()2. a. home b. house c. room d. family

()3. a. are b. is c. am d. be

()4. a. has b. h**e c. had d. like

()5. a. they b. they c. their d. their

()6. a. am b. is c. are d. do

()7. a. swimming b. swim c. swiming d. swims

()8. a. eat b. do c. like d. likes

()9. a. do b. can c. does d. doesn't

() loves b. likes c. like d. has


(a)a chinese student goes to study english in england . his family name is "sun"(太阳) .it is the same word "sun" .

we know england is a country with bad weather(坏天气) .it's cloudy or misty(多云雾). it often rains(下雨).

when the student gets to(到达) london , a policeman sees his passport . when he sees the student's family name is "sun" ,the policeman says to him ,"you bring (带来)sunshine to us . welcome to london .

we want you here." then he smiles.

() 1. the chinese student go to london

a. to see his passport b. to see the policeman

c. to study english see his teacher

() 2. "sun" is the student's

a. given name b. family name

c. middle name d. passport

) 3. england is a country with __

a. sunshine b. sun c. snow(雪) d. bad weather

)4. the policeman smiles because he __

a. know the student b. is the student's friend

c. sees the sun d. likes the student very much

)5. the policeman says __when he sees the student "sun".

a. "what's your name?"

b. "you're wanted here."

c. "i don't know your given name."

d. "you are wanted in england."


mondaygo to see lin lin in children's hospital 3:00--5:00

tuesday dancing class8:30--10:30

wednesday part--time job(兼职工作)12:00--6:00

thursday see dr. zhao part--job10:30--11:30

friday go to the station to meet bob9:00

saturday meet liu lu to study for test 2:00--4:00

sunday birthday party for wang ping 5:00--8:00

)6. when does li ming meet bob ?

a. at bob's house b. in the hospital

c. at the station d. at wang ping's house

)7. for how many hours a week does li ming do his part-time job ?

a. five hours b. six hours c. ten hours d. eleven hours

)8. _is ill in hospital .

a. zhao peng b. lin lin c. liu lu d. wang ping

)9. wang ping's birthday is on __

a. tuesday b. friday c. sunday d. thursday

) does li ming do on saturday afternoon ?

a. play football b. studay with liu lu

c. h**e a dancing d. do part-time job.

(c)mid-autumn festival is an important(重要的) festival in china . everyone enjoys it very much . it usually comes in september(九月) or october (十月).

on that day everyone eats different fruit and mooncakes . there are many kinds of mooncakes . some h**e nuts(坚果) in them and they are sweet.

some h**e meat and eggs and they're salty. which do you like best?

at night , families often look at the full moon in the open air (户外) .they sing and dance, talk and laugh ,eat the mooncakes and fruit happily.


() 1. mid-autumn festival usually comes in august(八月).

() 2. the mooncake is like the full moon .

() 3. there are only sweet (甜) mooncakes.

() 4. at night, families watch tv at home.

() 5. the moon is round (圆) on the mid-autumn festival.

第ⅱ卷 (55分)

四、 慧眼识句填单词,考考你的词汇运用能力。(10分)

1. in our school, there are two t students.

2. it's difficult to learn english w___

3. she often d___housework after school.

4. kfc has lots of hfrench fries and ice cream.

5. -how do you s___pencil ?


6. they h**e t-shirt in all c

7. tom h___a friend called li ping.

8. -where's the ball ?

---it's n___to the bed.

9. some of the boys like p___volleyball .

10. i h**e got a sister , but jack h


mrs green is from america . she t 11 english in my school. she speaks s 12 l 13 to play and study with us .

she h14 a computer. she also likes to play computer g 15 . she likes to h**e sports collection.

she has volleyballs. she plays volleyball every day .



we should eatevery day .


shejeans or trainers.

18. mr. wang 是北京一所大学的英语教师。

mr. wang is __english teacher in ain beijing .


my parents live in australia. so i often __e-mails __them.


the weather __today?






math×食品ice cream √



play football×


鲁教版六年级英语 上册 语法小结

鲁教版六年级英语 上册 语法小结。英语的词类。1.名词表示人 事物 地点或抽象概念的名称。1.名词表示人 事物 地点或抽象概念的名称。名词所有格 表示名词之间的所属关系 的 相当于物主代词。有两种表示形式 一种是 s所有格,另一种是of所有格。1 有生命的名词所有格以及表示时间 距离 城镇 国家等的...


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英语语法复习 一 代词 pron.选词填空 you yourname is bob.my i me 2erasers are in drawer.her she her she your doyou your homework?4is a catname is mimi.it its it its ...