人教版小学英语六年级上册前单元重点 三年级起点

发布 2020-08-12 00:27:28 阅读 3979



1. where is ..引导的句子提问,用it's near/nextto/ in front of/behind/.

beside/ above/between a and b/under ..the地点回答。2.

is there...句型答句:yes, there is.

no, there isn’t.

3. get to + the +地点名词:get to the cimema getthere/ .

atthecrossing take the bus. 5. is it far from here答语:

yes, it is. no, it isn’t.

6. howcani/wegettothe...答句:

youcantakethe no. 57 bus./ turn left/ right at the +地点。

talking robot.

8. what an interesting film.感叹句:

what a/an +形容词+名词。在哪个街道上用on. mynewgps,robin都为三单形式,后面动词用三单形式,。


can后加动词原形。 8.对应词/反义词:

near反义词far, behind反义词in front of, here反义词there, tooto/twocan not(缩写)can’t right(反义词)left/wrongbuy(同音词)by/byefirstonegive(过去式)g**e crossing(动词)cross第二单元:1. how do you go/xxe to school i go/xxe to schoolby bus, train, plane, ship, subway, taxi...

on does +单数人名+ go/xxe get



i go to school onfoot. how do you go to school


3. on the right/left在y右/左手边。4.

want to +动词wanttosend 动词原形,其中am, is , are的动词原形是be. why notgo on tuesday

must pay attention to the traffic lights. 7. thebus is xxing.

8. don’t go at the red light. don’t加动词原形9.

let’s go to the nature park. let’s加动词原形10. that’s good exercise.

so many pictures

ofbikes. 常考连词成句。12. in the usa people on bikes must wearone.

13. you must look right before you cross the 加动词原形we must look right before crossingthe road. 14.

.slow down and stop at a yellow and wait at a red light. go at a green too fast.

by ferry, you must wear a life onfoot,youmuststopatthered light. don’t go at a red light.

driver on the right side.第三单元。

1.一般将来时的句型结构:主语+be going to +动词原形i am going to +动原she/he/it is going to +动原。

they/you/we(可以替换成它们的复数:myparents/myfriends/the dogs等)are going to +动原。

this evening/tonight/tomorrow/ next week答语:i’m going to +动词原形。

3. where are you going+将来的时间?答语:i’mgoing to the +地点。4. when are you going



my father is going to visit my grandparents nextweek.

my father is going to visit my grandparents nextweekmyfatherisgoing



4. lots of =a lot of许多后面加可数名词复数或不可数名词动词原形:表示不得不做。

事。6. a xxic book about ..

7. half price半价8.频率词:

often, sometimes, usually, always,never, every不能与一般将来时的句子连用。

i am often going to see a film this morning.作文:

my weekend (将来时)

i’m going to h**e a busy weekend. i’m going to

what about your weekend my weekend (将来时)简单版。

i’m going to h**e a busy weekend. i’m going todo my homework this weekend. i’m going to read booksthis weekend.

i’m going to see a film this going to h**e an english lesson this weekend. i’



---what’s your hobby(单数句式)what areyour hobbies你的爱好是什么?--i like +动词ing形式:

---i like reading stories and singing.我喜欢读故事书和唱歌i also like…我也喜欢…

---what’s人名’shobby(单数句式)what are人名’s ( peter’s (his) /amy’s (her) )hobbies (复数句式)--he/ she likes +动词ing -

he / she likes reading stories and singing.他/她喜欢读故事书和唱歌。2.

does +主语+动词原形+其他?肯否定回答:yes,主语+does.

doesheliveinchina2.表示征求别人意见can i also be his pen pal我也可以做他的笔友吗?sure.


i like watching tv, too .同义句:i also likewatching tv.


表达喜欢做某事,通常要用动词的-ing形式,即:like+动词ing sth.动词ing变化规则:

直加,双写,去哑e.,如:likesinging/playingfootball/listeningtomusic / playing the pipa / watching tv等一般现在时的用法。

表示经常或习惯性的动作或状态,常与every day/morning /evening ,often, usually, always,sometimes等状语连用。

如:we do morning exercises every goes to school by bike.结构:


miss white teaches english.否定句:主语+don’t/doesn’t +动词+其他如:

miss white doesn’t teach english.


does miss white teach english

肯否定回答:yes,she does ./no, she doesn’t .

备注:第三人称单数用does, doesn’t.没有does,doesn’t时动词必须要有变化。




1.直接在动词后加s. likes, lives, cooks...

2.以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的加es. :

watches, washes,goes,does...

3.以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i,加es;以元音字母加y结尾的,直接加s. plays , study-studies...


人教版小学六年级上册英语单元检测。姓名班级成绩。一 判断划线部分的发音,相同的打对号,不同的打错号。10分 1.meat bread2.but bus 3.idea peach4.rice bike 5.post nose6.at face 7.elephant egg8.pig big 9.cat...

人教版小学英语六年级上册前单元重点 三年级起点

六年级上册英语 常考题型总结 第一单元 1.where is 引导的句子提问,用it s near next to in front of behind beside above between a and b under the 地点回答。2.is there.句型答句 yes,there is....


句子测验。1.博物馆的商店在 14.我们打算去电影院。2.在大门附近15.你们什么时候去?3.我们怎么到哪儿16.多么有趣的一场电影啊!4.到书店左转17.绿灯行。5.你怎么来学校的18.红灯停。6.通常我走路来19.黄灯减速慢行。7.在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔20.我明天打算去自然公园。8.别闯...