
发布 2020-07-25 13:26:28 阅读 1285

pep小学英语六年级上册一单元b let’s talk教学设计



本部分学习的核心句型是: how can we get there ? turn left/right.




2.学生能够在情景中运用句型how can we get there ? turn left/right.问路或作答。


1.教学重点:在情景中运用句型how can we get there ? turn left/right.问路或作答。

2.教学难点:在情景中理解what an interesting film的含义。



stepⅰ:free talk

1. greeting

2. sing a song: where is the hospital?

3. free talk in groups.

4. do the action: turn left/ turn left.

stepⅱ: new lesson

1. show a picture of teacher and then ask: who is she?

miss huang will go to the cinema. and then show the picture of a film: lead out film and the sentence:

what an interesting film! 领读,找读,重点词重点读,练习难点句型。

2. now, i’m hungry, i want to eat pizza. lead out i like pizza! 领读,注意like的读音。

3. teacher asks: where can i eat pizza?

lead out italian restaurant. (出示**),领读,指出语音;照度,出示整句:i know a great italian restaurant!


4. teacher asks: where is the restaurant?

show the picture and lead out: it’s next to the park. 领读。

老师问,学生回答。 then lead out: it’s next to the park on dongfang street.


5. show ppt and ask: how can i get there?

don't worry, robin can help me. lead out turn left at the bookstore. then turn right at the hospital.


6. practice in groups.

7.出示新路线图,students answer the question: how can i get there?

8. show this part on the book and say: today, mike and wu yifan come here; we are going to the cinema.

what happened? listen to the tape and follow it.

9. follow the teacher.

10. read by yourself and then role-play.

11. finish the questions that on the *****.

step ⅲ activity

group work: draw a path, then introduce your way(设计一幅路线图,小组表演,介绍一下你的路线).

tips:where is the ……

it’s ……

how can we get there?

turn left/ right at……


unit 1 how can i get there

b let’s talk

how can we get there?

turn left at the bookstore.

then turn right at the hospital.


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冬冬培训小学六年级上学期英语期末测试题。姓名。一 读一读下列单词中的划线字母读音是否相同,相同请在括号中写 s 不同写 d 1 peak beat 2 pig kite 3 thin dish 4 apple cake 二 看 选出正确的短语。12分 三 选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在...


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