年荔湾区六年级上学期英语期末测试 版试卷

发布 2020-08-03 17:02:28 阅读 2314

2017-2018 学年第一学年六年级英语(荔湾区) 试卷。



their farm.

a. grow vegetables b feed chickensc. plant fruit trees

2. shanghai is a big andcity.

a. crowdedb. modernc. noisy

3. are there anyin your city?

a. expensive hotels b. different offices c. beautiful villages

week.a. had a coldb. had a a headache

5. the traffic in our city isall day.

a busyb. healthc. he**y

6. the streets nearby are

dirtyc clean

7. when the man saw us, he was very

a. excitedb. surprisedc polite

8. jiamin waswhen he was a little boy.

a quietb. fatc. he**y

9. yesterday was

a. mid-autumn festival b. dragon boat festival c chongyang festival

10. it's veryto take a walk in the countryside.

a. comfortableb. interestingc wonderful



16. a ben came to china five years ago.

b. ben lived in new york three years ago.

ben came to china, he lived in a small village.

17. a. yongxian went to disneyland last week.

b. yongxian went shopping on the second day.

c. yongxian came back to guangzhou on the third day.

18. a. janet did some housework in the morning.

b. janet did her homework in the afternoon.

c. janet went to the hospital in the evening.

19. a tom had a broken head.

b. tom fell down from his bike yesterday.

c. tom must stay in bed for two months.

20. a. xiaoling's new house is big and nice.

s old house was far away from her school.

came to school by bus before.


21. can theyus?

old friend last week.

23. my father wasyesterday.

24. theis just beside the river.

25. he felt much better


and yongxian had a race.

27. jiamin ate two bowls of rice and drank four bowls of soup.

28. jiamin feels ill. but yongxlan is fine.

29. both jiamin and yongxian h**e a stomachache.

white is going to take jiamin and yongxian to see a doctor.


笔试部分。六、找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词,在答题卡上把所选单词的编号涂黑。(6 分)

七、根据中文提示在答题卡上写出句子所缺的单词。(10 分)

the (服药) three times a day.

little baby should sleep (至少) ten hours a day.

should (刷) your teeth (两次) a day.

should help互相).


八、选择正确的答案填空,在答题卡上把所选答案的编号涂黑。(15 分)

42. there only 150 pupils in that school last year.

b. are c. were

43. mr li go to work yesterday.

a. didn’t b. isn’tc. doesn’t

6 o’clock in the evening. the child can’t wait to back home.

did the teacher this morning?

said c. says

46i a good boy when i was young?--yes,you were quiet and polite.

47. the life in a big city is very different the life in the countryside.

b. in c. of

48. you’ll well soon.

be c. were

49. they h**e one hundred sheep.

ofb. a few c. more than

50. i feel . i h**e a bad cold.

b. illc. wide

51. wea good film last night.

52. there are so many cars in the streets. the traffic is very .


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