
发布 2020-08-23 10:49:28 阅读 6703




hello,boys and girls.经过四年的学习,相信你们一定是收获多多。自信的你一定很想表现一下自己,那就来尽情展示吧,因为你能做到!


一、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,并将其序号填在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(5分)

1. a. alongb. roundc. aroundd. about

2. a. cheerb. chairc. faird. pair

3. a. willb. wellc. weard. where

4. a. richb. reachc. whichd. each

5. a. weekb. weakc. walkd. work




四、 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,写出空缺处的单词。短文读三遍。(5分)

australia is an interesting country. there are many beautiful (1in the country, for example, sydney and melbourne. you will (2kangaroos and koalas in australia.

they are (3sport lovers like australian football games (4they are very exciting. people in australia are nice. they (5visitors.

come and visit australia one day!



1. you can find __story “the lion and the mouse” in aesop’s fables.

a. ab. anc. thed. 不填。

2. mike does well in his study, but __he’s not very careful.

a. alwaysb. sometimesc. neverd. often

3. as a student, you should follow the school __and be a good student.

a. rulesb. subjects c. projectsd. plans

4i go swimming in the sea, mum?

no, you __it’s dangerous.

a. can; shouldn’tb. must; shouldn’t

c. can; mustn’td. shall; can’t

5. there is not __milk in the fridge. i’ll get some now.

a. some b. muchc. a fewd. many

6. —what are you going to do __the party?

i’m going to buy some drinks.

a. forb. withc. tod. on

7. —why __you look tired

because i __sleep well last night.

a. did; didn’tb. did; couldn’t c. do; didn’t d. do; don’t

8. many young people don’t __their health. they often go to bed very late.

a. talk aboutb. learn about c. read about d. care about

5. in __people drive on the left side of the road.

a. shanghaib. new york c. ****eid. london

10. —our library is bright and beautiful.

will you show us around it?

a. rightb. really? c. sured. well done!


a. cool; cookb. think; mouthc. here; there

12. don’t you think the sun is bright? i wonder where it goes at night?


ab. /ec. /a /

13. 下列句子朗读符号标注正确的是___

a. —what’s in your bedroom?(↗there is a desk near my bed(↘)

b. —do you water the flowers every day(↗)yes, i do(↘)

c. touch your toes with your fingers(↗)

二、词汇检测 (每小题1分,共10分)


1. do you like旅游)?

2. to keep安全), we mustn’t play on the road.

3. don’t speak大声地) in public places.

4. class开始) at 8:30 in our school.

5. we需要) some rice and milk. let’s go to the supermarket.


6. peter alwaysfinish) his homework on time.

7. i want to be awrite) in the future.

8. in ahealth) diet, there are a lot of vegetables and fruit.

9. don’t drink too much cola. it’s bad for yourtooth).


2015 2016学年度第二学期期末质量检测。三年级英语试卷。亲爱的同学们,通过一学期的努力,你们一定又学到了不少的英语知识,现在请看清题目要求,认真答题。祝你考出好成绩!听力部分 40分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的词语,并将其序号填在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。10分 1.a.meb....


根据省 市教育学会工作安排及 盐城市盐都区教育局2014年工作要点 结合我区学会工作实际,特制定本要点。一 指导思想。认真遵循学会章程及办会宗旨,团结广大会员和教育工作者,围绕区教育局2014年工作要点,广泛开展群众性的教育科研 科普 调研 学术交流 教师教育 教师培训和咨询服务等活动,重点开展有效...


班级座号 姓名分数。一 选择题。1 2分 小明买文具用去3元7角,还剩5元,他原来有 钱。a.8元7角b.1元3角c.2元7角。2 2分 十位上的数比个位上的数小2,下面不符合要求的是。a.24b.35 c.533 2分 最接近100的数是。a.90b.95c.99 4 2分 我比61少1,我是。a...