
发布 2020-08-02 22:45:28 阅读 4757

dec tsr

3. circle and write(根据汉语圈出正确的单词,并写在四线格里)(10%)[

鸭子gobduckam 爱好hobbyagd

苹果nubapplesta 五apjufivea


4. look and choose(看图选择正确的单词或词组)(5%)

1) (a. watches tv b. reads news*****.

2) (a. teaches english b. teaches math

3) (a. goes to work by bike b. goes to work by subway.

4) (a. swimming b. diving

5) (a. ****** kites b. collecting stamps

5. read and choose(读下面的句子选择正确的图画)(10%)

6. read and choose(读一读,选择合适的选项)(15%)

)1).在**里介绍自己说:a. i‘m john b. this is john.

)2).你有事打断别人的交谈时,你应说:a. excuse me b. i’m sorry

)3).你向别人打听amy的年龄,你应该说:a. how old are you? b. how old is she?

)4).第一次碰到某人,你应该说:a. nice to meet you! b. how are you?

)5) what‘s your name? a. i’m mike. b. sure.

)6. nice to meet you! a. i‘m fine. b. nice to meet you, too.

)7. what’s your hobby? i like __a. swim b. swimming

)8. may i __your bike? -sorry. a. ride b. read

)9. thank you! a. great b. you are welcome.

)10. does your penpal live in shanghai? a. he is tall and strong. b. yes, he does.

)11. does she teach english ? a. yes, she doesn‘t. b. no, she doesn’t.[

)12. he __by bus. a. go to work b. goes to work

)13. what is john‘s hobby? a. i like drawing b. he likes drawing

)14. she___in the evening. tv news*****

)15. it is___apple. a .a b. an

sentences .(连词成句)(10%)

1) he lives beijing in (.

8. read and tick or cross.(读短文,判断对错,对的“√”错的“×”10%)

my new friend

alice is my new friend. she lives in australia. she likes reading.

her father works in a school. he is a teacher. he goes to work by bus.

her mother is a nurse. she works in a hospital. she goes to work by car.

alice and her sister are twins. they look the same, but they are very different. every morning, alice goes to school by bike, but ann goes to school on foot.

every evening, alice reads books. her sister ann watches cartoons on tv.

)1). alice likes reading.

)2). her father goes to work by bike.

)3). her mother goes to work by bus.

)4). ann likes reading books.

)5). alice goes to school by bike.


1. listen and circle.

1)bd 2)ce 3)gp 4) mn 5) gjp

2. listen and choose

1)playing football 2) by bus 3) teaches english

4) ****** kites 5) riding a bike

3. listen and choose

1) prc 2) kite 3) english 4) goes to bed 5) green

4 .listen and choose

1) are you kitty? 2) here you are. 3) what’s your hobby?

4) does she go to work at 7:30? 5) how are you?



1、babab(5%)(每小题一分) 2、abaaa (5%)(每小题一分)

3、bbbab(10%)(每小题两分) 4、baaba(10%)(每小题两分)


1、(略)(5% 每个字母一分)




a 3d 4b 5e 6f(10%)(每小题两分)



1) he lives in beijing. 2) what is your hobby?

3) i like singing. 4)he likes collecting stamps.

5) does she teach english?



六年级英语下册unit 4单元测试。姓名评分。听力部分 20 一 听音,给下列各图排序。5 二 听音,选择答句5 1.a.i went fishing.b.i went to xinjiang.c.by train.2.a.yes,i did b.yes,we are.c.no,i m not 3....

人教版PEP 六年级英语下册第四单元测试卷

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