
发布 2020-08-02 16:53:28 阅读 1261


1. the king likes new clothes.(改为过去式)

the king

2. the two men showed the king his new clothes.(写出同义句)

the two men __his new clothesthe king.

menvisited the king.(对划线部分提问)

the king?

4. the king washappy.(对划线部分提问)

the king?

5. the king isn’t wearing any clothes.(改为肯定句)

the kingclothes.


1. the boy could see the king’s clothes.(改成否定句)

the boysee the king’s clothes.

2. the coat fits well.(改为一般疑问句)

the coatwell?

3. the two men showed the king his new clothes.(同义句转换)

the two menhis new clothesthe king.

4. front, there, in, the , lion’s, were, flowers, house, of, some (.连词成句)

5. the king is very happy today.(把today改成yesterday)

the kin**ery happy

6. try on these new clothes, please.(改为否定句)

pleasetry on these new clothes.

king is wearing some clothes.(改为否定句)

the kingwearingclothes.

8 .jimcan make a toy bus.(对划线部分提问can make a toy bus?

9. king, a, little, pointed, boy, at, and, the , laughed(.)连词成句。

10. people , street, there , a ,were, lot, in, of, the (.

11. there was a house in the forest one year ago.(改为否定句)

12. there were some stars in the bottle just now.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

13. kate showed them some beautiful stamps.(改为同义句)

14. a little boy pointed at the king and laughed.(对划线部分提问)

15. please try on these magic clothes.(改为同义句)


1. is(过去式)过去式)过去式)



10. people(复数)11. clever(反义词)


lived in the new house. hebe) happy .

king isn’t wearingsome) clothes.

the king’s bedroom 2 years ago.

day, theybe ) at school. they walked through the playground.

long ago, the old man __tell) the boy this story

studentsay) one sentence.

h**e tostart) the story again.

istalk) to helen about his birthday.

sister oftendo) homework after supper.

can __tell) many stories.

11. therebe) some tigers here a year ago.

12. look at the twoman) over there.

13. look! she’swear) a new clothes.

14. can you seethey)?15this) are new pencils.

16. my sister likesread) books.

17. his uncle likesmodel ship).

18. they wantedmake) new clothes for the king.



the weathertwo hours ago..


the birds arehigh in the.


therea lot ofblackyesterday morning.

4.让我们去看鹦鹉展吧。let’s go andthe parrot.


pleasesome honey and.


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