
发布 2020-07-20 23:38:28 阅读 3070




1. 第二天2. pour it into the hole

3. 开心地大笑4. cheer for them loudly

5. 伤心的哭6. put your things in order

7. 就在那时8. finish our homework

9. 一些好习惯10. hit the ball hard


)1. she is good at __table tennis.

a. playb. playsc. playing

) day, a mouse walked __and woke the lion

a. by; upb. up; byc. on; on

)3. the lion___the net with his teeth, but that didn’t

help help c. bit, helped

) lion let the mouse

a. gob. goes c. went

)5. _he play the piano __

a. does; good b. does; well c. did; good

)6. -where are youto the sweet shop.

a. gob. goingc. doing

)7.--what’s liu tao doing? -he’she’s

) to bed late is a

a. bad habit b. good habit hobby

) 9. mike sings very

) 10is it ? it’s my brother’s.

a. whose bedroom b. who’s bedroom c. whose bedrooms


1. therebe) any milk in the glass just now.

2. we should readquiet ) in the library.

3. samplay) table tennis now.

4. i am veryexcite ) about the good film.

5. i likehelp)people.

6. he oftenbrush) his teeth before bedtime.

7. nancy nevergo) to school late.

8. he walksslow).

9. he did his homeworkbad).

10. let’sgo) to the supermarket.


1. i can help you with my teeth.(对画线部分提问)

you help

2. sam brings some water quickly.(改为一般疑问句)

samwater quickly?

3. he goes to school late.(改为否定句)

heto school late.

4. i brush my teeth in the morning.(用yang ling 改写句子)

yang lingteeth in the morning.


1. 这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。

the lion wasandtothe mouse.

2. 从那以后,这只狮子和那只老鼠成了朋友。

the lion and the mouse

3. “你能跑得快吗?”“是的,我能。”


4. 他早上起床早,从不**睡觉迟。

he __upandto bed___

5. 王兵非常了解刘涛。

wang bingliu tao


a. 阅读并判断,正确写t,错误写f。(5分)

the wolf and the lamb

once upon a time, a wolf was lapping the water(舔水) at a spring(泉水) on a hillside. when he looked up. he saw a lamb drinking a little lower down.

"there's my supper," he thought. i will find some excuses to catch him. "then he called out to the lamb, "how dare you smear(弄脏) the water i am drinking?

"“no," said the lamb. "i cannot smear your water because the water runs down from you to me.”

"well, then," said the wolf. "why did you call me bad names last year?"

"that couldn't be," said the lamb. “i was only six months old then. "

"i don't care," shouted the wolf. "if it was not you, it must be your father. "after that he rushed at the poor little lamb and ate it up.

)1. this story is from a chinese idiom book.

)2. the wolf wanted to make friends with the lamb.

)3. the lamb couldn't smear the water.

)4. the lamb called the wolf bad names last year.

)5. the lamb was six years old.

b. 根据短文内容.选择正确的答案。(5分)

my living habits

i’m mike. i am a student. i h**e some good living habits.

every morning, i get up at seven o'clock. after washing my face and brushing my teeth, i h**e some bread and milk for breakfast. then in school, with my dear classmates, i begin my classes.

at about eleven, i h**e lunch. then i h**e a rest for an hour. in the afternoon, i h**e classes again until(到…为止) five.

i often do my homework at seven at home. it takes me about one hour to finish it. after that, i watch tv for half an hour.

then i go to bed at nine o'clock.


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