
发布 2020-08-02 01:42:28 阅读 4157




) 1. a. younger b. shorter c. longer d. taller

) 2. a. rode b. cook c. wear d. washed

) 3. a.饭厅 b. 草地 c.体育馆 d. 图书室。

) 4. a. 更重的 b. 更老的 c. 更年轻的 d. 更瘦的。

) 5. a. went b. where c. what d. how

) 6. a. where b. how c. what d. when

) 7. a. thank b. than c. think d. that

) 8. a. went fishing b. went swimming c. went camping

) 9. a. years ago b. months ago c. last month

) 10. a. had a cold b. saw a film c. bought gifts



)1. a. i am taller than lulu. lulu is taller than sarah.

b. sarah is shorter than lulu. lulu is shorter than me.

)2. a. what did you do last weekend?

b. where did you go last week?

)3. a. john cleaned his room yesterday afternoon.

b. john washed his clothes yesterday morning.

)4. a. amy goes shopping on the weekend.

b. amy went hiking last weekend.

) i stayed at home and watched tv.

b. i had a cold and slept a whole day.




1. last year汉语意思) 2. before汉语意思)

3. tall比较级) 4. he**y比较级)

5. hurt过去式) 6. saw原形)

7. shorter反义词) 8. go过去式)

9. do过去式) 10. had原形)


) 1. -what size are your shoes

a. size 36 b. 36 size c. 6 metres

) 2. -what did you do last weekend? -i __a book at home.

a. readed b. red c. read

) 3. mike rode a horse

a. on sunday sunday c. tomorrow

( )4. he is __than me. he often plays basketball.

a. stronger b. strongc. tall

( )5. before i was short so i __ride my bike well.

b. could c. couldn’t

) 6. -did you __badminton yesterday?--no, i didn’t.

a. play b. played c. plays

) 7. there __no computers in my old school 20 years ago.

a. wasb. were c. is

) 8. —how he**y are you ?—i’m

a. 1.60 metres 8 c. 45 kg

) 9. howyour weekend?

a. does b. was c. is

) 10. —what did amy do yesterday?— she __boating.

a go b went c goes


1mike rode a horse last saturday.

2sarah visited a museum last weekend.

3i stayed at home, because i hurt my hand.

4zhang peng went to harbin. he went ice-skating there.


abcde )1. i went fishing with my father last weekend.

)2. john washed his clothes last saturday.

)3. wu yifan ate fresh food on his holiday.

)4. chen jie usually watches tv on sundays.

)5. zhang peng is taller than john.


) 1. did she h**e a cold ? a. i am 1.65 metres tall.

) 2. how tall are you? b. it was good.

) 3. how was your weekend? c. yes, she did.

) 4. what did you do last weekend? d. i went to xinjiang yesterday.

) 5. where did you go yesterday? went camping.


last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate zhang xiaoyun. she is younger than me, but i am shorter than her. and she looks stronger.

of course she is he**ier than me. we went to a shop to buy a present for xiaoyun. what did we buy?

we bought a doll for her. when she got our present she looked excited. she was very happy.

we went to the zoo. we saw elephants. we wanted to row a boat in zhangjiang river, but it was later, we had to go home.

we had a good time on that day.

分宜一小六年级英语分类复习卷 一

一 英汉互译。50分 1.今天下午2.集邮。3.下周4.拉小提琴。5.交通灯6.一位会计。a from off11.洗衣服12.打扫房间。13.去郊游14.看望祖父母。15.上个周末16.听 17一唱歌和跳舞18 照相。19爬山20 买礼物。21划船22看见大象。23去滑雪24去滑冰。25学汉语26...


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