
发布 2020-07-31 08:46:28 阅读 2894

迷路。trish: well, im glad youre finally back. i was wonderingwhat happened.

sarah: i feel kind of why?

this town yet.

trish: you got lost. youre kidding!

sarah: no. we took a wrong turn somewhere.

and joseph doesnt know the town at all. so i started givinghim directions.

but i didnt really know where we were. so we got seriouslylost.

trish: you could h**e called.

where we were.

trish: youve been gone for two hours. how could you getlost for so long?

sarah: guess where we ended i dont know. where?

sarah: when we finally decided to ask someone, they told

us we were in grangerfield.

trish: grangerfield! you were in grangerfield?

thats a completely different town! how could you drive to acompletely different town?sarah:

i dont know.

thepersonweaskedhadtogiveusdirectionstothehighway to get back here.

trish: grangerfield is like a dozen miles away from i know it is. i dont know how it hmm, maybe i what?

trish: maybe i h**e an idea how it how?

trish:youweretoobusylookingatjoseph,andyouwerent paying attention to the oh, thats what you think, huh?trish:

yes, thats what i think.

maybe the next time you go out with him to buy groceries,youll get lost for even six hours or so.

sarah: you know what, trish?trish: what?

sarah: i hope so. i really hope so.

trish:hah,hah!see? the road at all.

sarah:no, joseph is behind the wheel.














an apple or a pear,lin lin?玲玲,要苹果还是要梨?an apple,please.要苹果。

a banana or a peach,dick?狄克,要香焦还是要桃子?a banana,please.要香焦。

a grape or a litchi,alice?爱丽丝,要葡萄还是要荔枝?a grape,please.要葡萄。

a lemon or a pear,tom?汤姆,要柠檬还是要梨?a pear,please.要梨。

a peach or an orange,papa?爸爸,要桃子还是要桔子?an orange,please.要桔子。

a grape or an apple,jia jia?佳佳,要葡萄还是要苹果?an apple,please.要苹果。

a pear or a grape,mama?妈妈,要梨还是葡萄?

a grape,please.要葡萄。

an orange or a lemon,dong dong?冬冬,要桔子还是要柠檬?a lemon please.要柠檬。

自我介绍英语情景口语im dick.我是狄克。im alice.

我是爱丽丝。im tom.我是汤姆。

im linlin.我是玲玲。im jia jia.

我是佳佳。im dong dong.我是冬冬。

im papa.我是爸爸。im mama.

我是妈妈。im me papa.我是爸爸。

叫我爸爸。im me mama.我是妈妈。

叫我妈妈。im me dick.我是狄克。

叫我狄克。im me alice.我是爱丽丝。

叫我爱丽丝。im me tom.我是汤姆。

叫我汤姆。im lin me lin lin.我是玲玲。

叫我玲玲。im jia me jia jia.我是佳佳。


im dong me dong dong.我是冬冬,叫我冬冬。


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